District 11 Reaping

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District 11 Reaping
Willow Keenwater
I feel more nervous than ever. It's reaping day. My name is only going in once, but I could still be picked. I try to feel happy as I go downstairs to eat breakfast. Mother sets a plate of pancakes in front of me. I love pancakes. When I finish them, I wipe off my face, and my mother and I head to the square for the reaping. The only living member of my family (besides me) is Mother.  I have no idea who my father is.

"See you, Mother!" I call.

"All right Willow, I'll see you later!" Mother answers. I check in, then head to the towelve year olds pen. I don't !alk to anyone while I wait for the reaping to start. Our Capitol escort, Flaire Lockberg, steps onstage.

"Hello, District Eleven, and welcome to the reaping for the second annual Hunger Games!" she says. She sounds excited. I, however, am a bit nervous, knowing that I could possibly get picked.

"And now a special video straight from the Capitol!" I watch as screens turn on above me and the video begins. I've never seen it, but I'm not sure if I want to look at it. For a moment I glance at the screen, but what I see scares me, so I look away.

"Wasn't that lovely?" says Flaire. I thought it was too violent, but I don't say anything about what I think.

"Ladies first," our escort says as she walks over to the glass ball that holds the girls' names. She digs around in it before finally picking one slip of paper. She then walks back to the microphone.

"Willow Keenwater!" How? How could it have been me? My name was only in once! How could this happen? I don't know anything about fighting! I probably won't last a day in the arena! Tears fill my eyes as I stand up and walk to the podium.

"Now for the boys!" says Flaire, and reaches into the boys' ball.

"Alder Brightberg!" A thirteen-year-old boy that I don't recognize comes up to the podium. No one volunteers for him.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this year's tributes!" says Flaire. We both try to smile, but it fails miserably. I sigh. I don't know what my mother will do without me. And worst of all, I may not survive the arena. How could this happen to me?

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