District 9 Reaping

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District 9 Reaping
River Whitewood:
"River, are you ready yet?" Mother calls. I live with my mother and father in a small house in District 9. I have no siblings, but even so, I am still worried about being picked in the reaping.

"I'm almost ready," I call. I quickly braid my hair and rush downstairs. My mother and father are both ready for the reaping.

"Would you like any breakfast, River?" my mother asks me. I shake my head. I'm too nervous about being picked to eat any breakfast. My parents and I head to the square, and I hug my mother and father.

"See you after the reaping," I say, and go to check in. Once I'm checked in, I join a few of mx friends in the sixteen year olds pen. My friends are just as worried about being picked as me. As soon as the last person checks in, our Capitol escort, Aldera Underville, steps onto the stage that's been set up for the reaping.

"Welcome to the reaping for the 2nd annual Hunger Games!" she says. I don't like the cheerful way she says the words.

"And now a special film from the Capitol!" I don't really pay much attention to the film. They showed it last year. It's about the rebellion. I even memorized the words to it. When the film is over, Aldera goes back to the microphone.

"Oh, that was lovely," she says. "Now, ladies first." She reaches into the glass ball that holds the girls' names and pulls one out. Please don't be me, I think.

"River Whitewood!" I am astonished. Why me? I slowly walk onstage. I hear my friend Amara start to say "I volunteer as tribute!" But I can't let her go in my place.

"No, Amara! Please don't do this for me," I tell her.

"But River:::" she begins.

"No, you can't be sent into the Games, Amara," I say firmly. "I don't want you to die. Please, don't take my place." She goes reluctantly back to her seat.

"Now for the boys," says Aldera. She walks to the boys' ball and picks a name.

"Ronan Windvale." A twelve-year-old boy steps forward. There are no volunteers for him. I can't believe that I've been picked! I don't know what my parents will do if I die! I forme a smile on my face, even though I'm not feeling cheerful. I am still shocked. And worst of all, I'm being sent into the Games with a twelve-year-old.

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