District 7 Reaping

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District 7 Reaping
Forest Galloway
"Forest! Are you ready?" Mother calls up the stairs. Suddenly I realize what day it is. Reaping day. I'm suedenly worried about being picked. I'm more scared of my thirteen-year-old sister Ash being picked. As I get dressed, I think about what I'll do if my sister gets sent into the Games. I try to tell myself that things will be OK, but I can't be sure. I come downstairs quickly and eat my breakfast. While I wait for my parents to finish getting ready, I try not to feel nervous about the reaping. But I do feel nervous, more nervous than usual. I can't believe it's time for the Games again. We've only had one Games so far, and last year both tributes from District 7 were killed. I'm wondering who will mentor the tributes when my mom and dad come downstairs with Ash. This is it, I think. Reaping day. The day that my sister or I might be picked for the Hunger Games.

Me and my sister walk to the square with our parents. They hug us and head off so get seats. I hug my sister.

"It's going to be all right," I tell her, even though I'm not so sure myself. I tell her I'll see her after the reaping and go over to check in. I then rush to the 14 year olds section, where my best friend Pine is sitting.

"Hi Forest," he says. I just say hi back and try not to look nervous as our Capitol escort, Honora Wildleaf, steps onstage.

"Welcome, welcome, welcome to the second annual reaping for the Hunger Games!" she exclaims in that ridiculous Capitol accent. I am feeling less than cheerful.

"Before we start, we have a special video from the Capitol!" I hate watching the film, even though I've only seen it once. When it's over, Honora crosses over to the girls' ball and pulls out a name.
"Hannah Rosenbloom!" From the seventeen-year-old girls pen, a girl with dark brown hair and hazel eyes comes up to the stage. I let out a sigh of relief. It wasn't my sister.

When Honora asks for volunteers, no one stands up to take Hannah's place. Our escort crosses over to the boys' ball, digs around in it as if for dramatic effect, and finally pulls out a name. I start to feel very nervous.
"Pine Silverston." My nervousness turns to fear. I recognize that name. My best friend Pine has been picked! I start dashing toward the stage.

"I VOLUNTEER!" I shout. "I VOLUNTEER as TRIBUTE!" Pine looks astonished. So do my parents and Ash. I can see my sister and my mom and dad in the audience. I myself am surprised at what I just did.

"What's your name?" Honora asks.

"Forest Galloway," I answer, my voice shaking.

"Lovely! Let's have a round of applause for our first District 7 volunteer!" There is no applause. All there is is stunned silence. At that moment, the realization of what I have just done hits me. I have just volunteered for the Games. And I know that I may not survive. I may never see my family or my best friend again.

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