Chapter 34 - An old friend

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I sneaked out from the place I called home so far without being noticed. From my room I brought everything which was precious to me and I also left my headband, the Shadow Scroll and a small note on my desk, saying only one word: "Bye." and my signature under it.

Only one tear ran down on my face as I looked back for the last time. Then I headed towards my place.

When I was finally there, I summoned Hanku.

'What do you want in the middle of the night Ichigo?' She asked me on a sleepy tone. 'And why are you fully equiped with weapons?' She asked as she looked over me.

'We are leaving Konoha. Now.' My voice was cold amd full of determination.

'What? But why? Is the village under attack?'

'No, it's not like that.' I sighed. 'I will tell you on the way, ok?'

'If that's the case, hopp on!' She turned away and I sat on his back. 'And, where are we going anyway?'

'To Suna. Bring me there!' As she heared our destination, she nodded and we dissappeared into the night forest.


We had spent three days with travelling when we reached the border of Suna. During that three days I explained everything to Hanku.

She wasn't totally on my opinion about this thing, but she accepted my decision and stayed with me. I knew that if we were to just barge into the village, we would be caught in no time and then they would contact Konoha. I couldn't afford that to happen, so I stayed still and pulled out the chakra blade I got from the one who I want to contact.

I concentrated a bit to flow my chakra into the blade. When I was sure that he noticed me, I started writing letters to the air with it.

I wrote: "Meet me alone". I did it three times to make sure that he gets my message correctly. After that all I had to do was to wait for him.


When the first stars appeared on the dark night sky, I felt someone coming in my direction.

It was only a half year since I last saw him, but I was surprised how much he growed and mattured. He had grown much in height and his hair was longer than before too. His other features were all the same as before. I was whatching him walking to me whe he spoke up.

'Long time no see Ichigo!' His voice was calm and peaceful. 'Why did you wanted me to came here alone? Where is your team and why weren't we informed about your arrival?'

'You changed a lot since we last met Kazuki.' I smiled at him. He was blind, but he could read my chakra and with this, also my emotions. 'Let's sit down for a while. I will explain everything.' I suggested.

'Answer my previous questions first! Than we can sit down.' He acted pretty strict.

'Alright.' I sighed. 'I travelled alone here to meet you and I hadn't informed you in advance because I left Konoha in a rush.' I told him.

I wasn't telling a lie, I only hadn't told him the full story. He nodded and we sat down in the golden sand.

'Will you tell me more?' He asked, holding his head down. I went on to tell him the full story. He was an important person and I needed him to help me.

'I see. I feel sorry for your sensei.'

'Thanks.' I nodded.

'And what do you want from me now? Why did you came here?'

'I have a favor to ask you.'


Sorry for the late uptade guys! Otherwise I would be glad if you comment what do you think about my work(s). :)

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