Chapter 37 - Akira

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After I got rid of Shikamaru in the forest, I headed back to the cave, where I met Ryoko.

I grabbed the food filled backpack which was given to me by her as a payment for letting her into the forest. I also put my stuff into the backpack.

'We should look for a new place for us Hanku.' I said on a sad tone, then we left the cave.

After an hour which I spent with travelling on Hanku's back, I spot grey smoke comming from where should have been a small village.

I knew that I should have stayed back and forgot what I saw, but my curiousity was so strong that I went into the dangerous area.

What I saw was horrible! Houses on fire, dead bodies everywhere on the ground. Nobody could have survived the great destruction that had happened there.

As I walked through the wasted village I suddenly heared something. No, not something! Someone! Someone was under the ruins of a house.

I searched for the source of the voice and found a boy. His right hand was forced to the ground by a wooden beam. I moved away the beam with the help of Hanku, than pulled out the boy from the ruins.

I laid him down onto the ground. As I took a closer look at him, I realised, that he is about the same age as me and he is good-looking too. His short black hair was spiky and he had a pretty face.

He slowly opened his eyes. Those eyes! It was like I looked into a jar of honey! I couldn't say a word, just stared at him.

'You saved me. Thank you!' He said on a very quite voice, than sat up with my help. His right arm was hanging lifelessly next to his body. As he looked around, a tear running down on his face.

'They... they... all died?!' He muttered to himself. I hugged him. Then he started crying.

I didn't said "Everything is all right" to calm him down, just hugging him silently. He was crying for almost an hour when suddenly he raised his head.

'Who are you anyways? Can I know the name of my saviour?' He asked.

'I'm Ichigo Nara. And you?' He flinched a bit as I introduced myself.

'Akira Mikami. Thanks for saving me Ichigo!' He gave me a little smile.

'Can you tell me what happened there?'

'I... I don't know. The only thing I can remember, that I'm under the ruins of my own home.'

'Alright them. Show me your hand!' He tried to move his arm towards me, but it looked like he can't.

'Don't do it, if you can't! Let me help you!' I grabbed my changing shirt from my backpack and tored it apart to make a bandage for him. I fixed his arm in position with it, than helped him stand up.

'Do you have any place to go to, Akira?'

'No, I don't have any connections outside the village.'

'I see. If that's the case, we should find a cave quickly, because it's almost nightfall. How well do you know the surronding area?'

'I know it pretty well. There's a cave nearby, where we can spend the night.'

'Jump on and guide us to it!' I said getting on Hanku's back. I helped him to get on too, then we headed to the cave.

Living in the shadows (Shikamaru's sister story * Naruto fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now