Janoskians Fan Fiction- Chapter Two

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Jai’s perspective

I heard beau’s loud screams, I looked over to the scene to find Beau trying to beat up Eric Hutchison and his gang of rats.

My body reacted faster than my mind and I was suddenly running for him, questions, thoughts raced through my head.

The worst thing I could imagine lay right there in front of me, and suddenly I was frozen with terror, I fell to my knees right next to Isabelle’s lifeless body.

“ISABELLE!” I yelled shaking her, as hard as I could.

Her face had so many bruises I didn’t know where to look, her closed eyes watered, and blood trickled down her face. My eyes became blurry, I never cried, not even at my nana’s funeral (mostly because I was in shock) but right now I was trying to stop myself from blubbering like a baby.

“Is she ok?” skip said, kneeling down on the other side.

“What does it look like?” I yelled, taking out all my anger on him.

Beau, and Luke ruined Eric and his friends enough to make them regret what happened and then joined me.

“I’ll get the car” Beau yelled, as he ran off into the distance.

Demi cried in James’s arms while Rita stood one metre away just staring at Izzy.

Beau brought the car around to the front of the park; everyone lifted Izzy in except for James, Tahlia and Demi who stood on looking in shock. Ten minutes later we were all on our way to the hospital.

After half an hour of waiting mum turned up, I couldn’t look at her; I just sat in the corner covering my eyes with my hands.

I thought of everything. I have always been the closest to Izzy, we have gotten along the best, how could I not have saved her.

Two hours later I found myself in the recovery room. Izzy had to have nine stitches; the cuts were from a ring that Eric must have been wearing. She also had a black eye and bruises all over her face and body. Luckily she hadn’t broken anything, she also had bruises all up her legs, but other than that she was fine, I still felt guilty that I couldn’t have helped her.

Luke walked in, eyes red from crying. He walked over to me; I huddled up in the corner trying to keep my distance from the sister I had let down so badly.

“You alright” Luke whispered

“Yeah” I mumbled.

“You know she’s going to be ok, its only bruising”

“She’s our sister, bashing on any girls is sick but when it’s our family and we couldn’t do anything to stop it…” My voice trailed off.

“Yeah I know, you guys are close. It’s alright, she be fine in a while”

With that Luke left the room and mum entered, bringing in behind her a beautiful ice-cream cake that Izzy would eat all day. Mum looked over at me.

“Jai, you can’t save the world honey”

I broke down, mum moved over putting her arm around me and hugging me tightly. The way I was crying you would think she was going to die.

“She’s my sister mum”

“I know” she said rocking me softly, like a baby.

I may sound like a kid but, my family always comes first, for my family I would do anything, this time though I didn’t do anything.

The other soon came and went, Skip came in first, then Dani and James, Then Rita and Beau and in all that time I never left the room. I couldn’t pull myself away from her almost lifeless body.

Wednesday night I hear mumbling coming from Izzy’s bed, I couldn’t make out anything but, one day after the attack Izzy was finally waking up.


“IZZY!?” I leaped over towards her, grabbing her limp hand.

“What happened?” she mumbled, she was barely audible.

“Just a little problem down at the park, Eric…” I paused, just the sound of his name now made shivers roll down my spine.

“Just a little problem” I continued avoiding his name.

For the next few days I didn’t go to school, I stayed at the hospital, I only left Izzy’s room to go to the toilet, while mum and the other boys brought in everything we needed.

After two days of hanging out and sticking by her side I was finally given the words I had always wanted to hear, since the day she arrived.

“Izzy you will be discharged Friday night” the doctor said.

“What are we gonna do Friday night them? Hmmm what about dinner with mum, Luke and Beau? Restaurant of your choice?” I suggested

“Can we watch Jackass at home? Family movie night? With pizza?”

“Of course forgot all about movie nights, I miss them” 

The Complicated life Of A Brooks Sister- Janoskians Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now