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3:00 am and I'm still awake. Unable to sleep. twisting and turning. all lights are off and its all silent. the only thing i can hear are my own thoughts in a void of nothingness. screaming and telling me, Your worthless, stupid, just die, you deserve the pain, kill yourself, no one could ever love you. 

Everything seems to come back at night, haunting me. I can't sleep... Even if I want to... I just can't. I think too much, and when I think I worry, and when I worry I over think, and when I over think I get paranoid, and... It's too dark, I cant see anything, I'm scared. under blankets and I still can't sleep.

1..2..3..pills. Melatonin doesn't help. 1..2..3..cups of warm tea, doesn't help either. God dammit, please stop thinking. But I can't, don't you see that I can't. I think too much, about what, about everything. Everything is running through my mind. Not one by one, but all at once. Rushing like a fucking waterfall.

I stare at the clock on the wall, tick, tock, ticking. It's 6:00 am and in the end I STILL CAN'T SLEEP! 

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