knife out of my back

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You: hey [name of person]!
Person: hi
You: so can you do me a small favor please?
Person: ummm... sure.
You: *crying in agony* please take the knife out.
Person: *confused* knife? What knife?
You: *crying and screaming* the knife that's stabed in my back, please it hurts, I can't take it anymore!
Person: who... who stabed you?
You: you did. Remember you lied to me and stabed me in the back.
Person: *in shock, falls down to there knees thinking how could they ever hurt there friend*
You: *in tears* please... help
Person: *still in shock*
Me: you... can still save me. please... *dead*
Person: *wakes up from nightmare* ahhhhhh
Person: *sweating, panting trying to catch [his/her] breathe* I'm sorry I hurt you, I'm sorry because of me your dead.

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