Conversation With Lies

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Calm down calm down
Keep it down
Keep lying
Your lying to yourself
I know
I have to, I need to
Do you?
Yes, I do
You lie too much
I know
And it's not only to yourself, to others too.
I know
Do you like it?
Of course I don't
Then why lie?
Because I have to
No you want to
I don't want to, I need to
Is that so?
Keep telling yourself that
We both know the truth, you just don't want to admit it.
Liar, it's all lies
I'm the liar!?
Just, sh..shut up shut up
....... just admit it
What's wrong?
I don't know
You do know, you always have the answer, you just don't want to answer.
Shut up shut up, I swear I don't know
You do know
No I don't
Ok then, I'll leave you be

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