Until You Snap

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Me: "I'm always scared"

Therapist: "Scared of what?"

Me: "You won't understand, why tell you?"

Therapist: "Try your best to explain."

Me: "Have you ever been paralyzed? Like... just completely paralyzed with fear."

Therapist: "I don't think I have."

Me: "really? Ever feel a shiver down your back, that slowly spreads to your whole body."

Therapist: "Can't say I have."

Me: "What's your biggest fear?"

Therapist: "I've never thought about it"

Me: "Really. Then can we try something new today?"

Therapist: *nods* "That's fine, what did you have in mind?"

Me: "Close your eyes."
Therapist: *closes her eyes*

Me: Now, clear your mind of all thoughts, stress, jobs, tasks, of everything. Make your mind a blank slate. Ok?

Therapist: okay *gently nods*

Me: take deep breathe in and out, inhale, exhale. Reflex your mind and soul.

Therapist: *inhale, exhale*

Me: Now think of darkness and evil, think of everything horrible that has ever happened to you. Focus on only does times, the terror, horror, torture, darkness. Gather all your fears and spread them into your body.

Therapist: *opens eyes, starts shaking, completely paralyzed *

Me: see you next week

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