Your on your period {Bieber}

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You started your period today and it was the absolute worst. You had a headache and to top that your stomach was hurting... I kept moving around in the bed to find a comfortable spot nothing was working. I heard my phone buzz, it was a text from justin.

•phone convo• { you:😋 justin:😄}

😄: hey babe

😋: dafaq you want?

😄: period?

😋: yes!

😄: I'll be over in 5 with food and your favorite movies❤️

😋: I love you.😘

😄: I love you too😘😘

I decided to at least get up to turn on the tv, since justin won't be here anytime soon so I'll watch tv to get my mind off things. I heard a knock on my bedroom door and see justin walk in!

"Hey baby" he said

"Hey" I said with no tone

"I got you some McDonald's, your favorite movie.. The notebook(;"

"YUSSS" I said with a grin on my face

Justin put the McDonald's in front of me, put the notebook in the DVD player and layed down next to me.. He put me in between his legs, I moaned in pain because my stomach hurt even worst. Justin moved his hands go my stomach and did mini circles around the pain soon went away.

"Thank you justin"

"For what?"

"Doing this for me"

"You welcome its no big deal"

"I love you"

"I love you too babe"

^^ ASDFGHJKL 😍😍😍😍 ^^

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