Pickup lines he uses on you

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Justin: 'Can you touch me so I can tell my friend I've been touched by an angel?'

Cameron: 'Do you have a map? Cause I just keep getting lost in your eyes.'

Taylor: 'Your dad must be a baker because you have a nice set of buns.'

Matt: 'what's that in your eye? Must just be a twinkle.'

Nash: 'Your legs must be tired because you've been running through my mind all day.'

Gilinsky: 'do you have a band-aid? Cause I scraped my knee falling for you.'

Johnson: 'something is wrong with my cell phone, it doesn't have your number in it.'

Shawn: 'Do you believe In love at first sight, Or should I walk by again?'

Hayes: 'you're so beautiful that you made me forget my pickup line.'

Carter: 'I've got skittles in my mouth, wanna taste the rainbow?'

Aaron: 'If you were a burger at McDonald's, you'll be a McGorgeous.'

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