Three 💕

196 14 1

Allies can help you more than friends

Jake had asked me to meet him at the entrance to the bleachers at around 7 before flashing his signature smile and turning to leave. The poor boy probably genuinely thinks he's making progress.

After texting the girls that I was the next victim, we ended up deciding that consulting a previous victim would help me in my mission.

The doorbell's chimes echoed throughout the hallway of my house. I smiled as I opened the door to a flustered Lauren. "You sure about this?" She asked.

"Definitely." I grinned letting her in before promptly shutting the front door. "We should probably go to my room."


Once we reach my room, she flops on my bed Lauren style and proceeds from to make an imaginary snow angel on my blanket. Then, she takes several torn pieces of paper and sprays them at me as if it was snow so, I end up throwing some back at her. She starts giggling, and I follow her. Soon enough, we're both in hysterics.

"Anyways," she smiles. "There are four processes to the playing: The friend phase, The hanging out phase, The love-struck phase, and The falling for you phase."

"Someone did her research."

"Shut UP, Callie."

"Go on."

"So you know firsthand what the friend phase is. The one way to a girl's heart is when they trust you, hence being their friend. The hanging out phase allows him to continually spend more time with you which makes you feel special. By this time, you should be developing a tiny crush on him." She breathes. "The love-struck phase is when you can only focus on him and only him. Your mind would just dread his presence. And finally, the falling for you phase is when he tells you he loves you, and you do the same."

"Oh, and this is the time he breaks your heart."

"That's about right." She laughs dryly remembering what happened. "He'll also confess in public, for maximum humility."

"Thanks, Lauren." I sigh. "Anything else I should know?"

"You're going to have to find a reason to hate him, or you're going to fall for him. I promise."

I nodded.

"Now," Lauren smirked. "We're gonna have to get the player in love with you."

"How so?" I cocked my eyebrow.

"With this." She pulls out a cream colored tank top. "Jake, right?"

"That's the one." I wriggle free from my messy bun, my wavy blonde hair unfurling itself until the end in slow motion.

"Jackpot." Lauren takes out a pair of high-cut ripped jeans, in the infamous color of, drumroll please, black.

"Shoes?" I rummage through my shoe collection, hoping to find something that matches.

"Oh honey, take these." She flips off the boots she's wearing and hands them over to me. It's perfect, honestly. The boot has a three-inch heel and is accessorized with the bejeweled zipper. "Oh, and since your trying to swoon him, if you run out of options, try my closet anytime."

"Thanks, Lauren."

I let my hair down the same way it was when I wiggled it free form the messy bun and kept the light makeup I had on from this morning.

Lauren and I parted ways as soon as we reached the bleachers. She strutted confidently and shoved Will so hard he nearly lost his balanced. Will automatically swore at her, but she returned it by raising her middle finger at him. Nearby bystanders merely laughed and clapped as if they were a television series.

Ally and Elliot nodded at me as they entered, both whispering a slight good luck, and a let's meet up later before winking and entering. They knew that there was no magic in going on dates at Narven High.

I waited for ten minutes for Jake, and when he didn't appear. I smirked and walked in myself. I'm wasn't waiting for him, if he wasn't punctual then he could go dateless for tonight. I grabbed the empty seat next to Ally and Elliot.

"Where's Jake?" Elliot asked me.

"He was taking too long, so I simply came in myself."

After around ten minutes, we were winning the game.

Jake finally took this opportunity to come fashionably late. He nodded to the boy sitting on my left and gave him an icy stare. The boy immediately jumped up and handed him the seat. I mentally groaned.

"Hey, Sunset." He smiles. "Nice outfit."

"Excuse me?" I faced him. "Did you just call me a Sunset."

"Oh my, tone down the feisty attitude, would you."

I huffed. What an ass.

But once I faced him to shout another insult, I just found myself staring at his eyes. "Sunset, your green eyes look as if they're about to kill me."


"Now, now, Sunset." He laughs. "Your eyes are pretty."

A blush crept up on my face, luckily for me it was dark, otherwise Jake might've seen it.

We watched in silence until soon enough, Another cheer echoed the stadium as the game ended. Narven High had just, in fact, won another game, courtesy of none other than Darren.

Heading home was the easy part, I didn't need to bolt out the doors since most people were staying until late at night to celebrate. The exits were dead empty.

Elliot had decided to ride with me, while Ally, who got her parent's car for the night headed home on her own. As Elliot and I bordered the exit sign, Jake grabbed my wrist.


"Aren't you staying for the after party, Sunset?" He asks me.

I jerk my wrist free from his loose grip. "Not today, no."

Although I can see him trying to get me to stay, I tell him I have to head home, and soon, Elliot and I do.

So I simply head home.

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