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I feel someone roll over next to me. "Connor?" I ask.
"Yeah?" He asks sleepily.
"Why are you in my bed?"
"Last night you fell asleep next to Percy's bed so I carried you here. I think I fell asleep next to you."
"Oh." I felt Connor's breathing even out. He fell asleep again. I get out of bed and get ready for the day. I take a shower, get dressed, do my hair in a braid, then walk outside. I needed a walk. I needed to clear my head. I needed to think of what happened yesterday. Of what has happened so far today. So yesterday Connor got me out if my cabin, Nico asked to talk to me- Nico. I need to talk to Nico. I walk over to cabin 13. Knock, knock, knock. "Who is it?" A sleepy voice says from inside.
"It's Emma." I call out. I hear shuffling then the door opens.
"Hey." Nico says. His black hair is messier then usual. His almost black eyes were half closed. "Why are you here so early it's like eight in the morning."
"Oh sorry did I wake you up?"
"Yeah, but it's fine."
"Oh, good. Uh, so yesterday you said you wanted to talk to me but I kinda fell asleep so I remembered that so I came to your cabin but I didn't realise you were asleep. Sorry."
"Oh, yeah I did need to talk to you. Come in." He opened to door to reveal a black room which the walls looked like obsidian, coffin like beds, and a couple blankets draped acrossed a wall dividing the room in two. Nico saw me looking at everything. "The blankets are for my sister so she has her own room. Everything else was like this when I got here."
"Exept for this?" I picked up a small figure of Hades from an old game I used to play.
"What's the story behind it?"
Everything always has a story behind it. I looked up at Nico and his eyes darkened. The whole room actually did.
"I don't like to talk about it."
"Sorry I asked."
"No it's okay everyone does."
"No they don't." I could tell he was just saying this because I was his sorella, his sister.
"You wanna hear the story behind this?"
"Yes." He took a deep breath and told me the story.
"My sister, Bianca, died getting me this. She saw it in a junk pile when we were fighting and she told Percy to watch over me. She ran to get it and before...before the giant robot steped on her she threw this at Percy. I hated him for letting my sister die. But I knew some where deep down she did this for me. She did everything for me. I loved her and she left me."
"Nico, she left you because she loved you. She new you wanted this, she died for you. I can see where you blame Percy. I would blame him too, but she died for you." He started crying softly. It got darker and colder but I didn't care at that moment. I hugged him. He hugged me back, for awhile he cried into my shoulder. I cried, I cried about everything, him, Percy, everything and anything. But really at that moment the big thing I was crying about was crying about was my friend I lost at an orphanage. She died for me too. She felt like the only real family I ever had. She died to get my favorite ring. It was on the ground and the guy the same guy who hurt Percy, shot her when she reached for my ring. He said no one moves or I shoot. And he did, he did shoot because of me. I dropped my ring and she got it for me like she always did. She died. I watched her. I was two but I still remember her mouth 'I love you' one last time. I did the same thing that I did when he hurt Percy I felt so much power and I fought. Fought him until he dropped on his hands and knees. I had a strange feeling someone was watching me at that moment to. Someone powerful but a good power. "Nico?" He sniffled. "Who's in the door way?"
"Who's in the door way?"
"I...don't...know." I stopped hugging him and turned and saw someone. A figure of a man. "Emma?"
"Fight or flight?"
"Neither. Talk."
"Little mortal you have no idea who your talking to." The man said. It was different then the guy who tried to kill everyone I loved.
"Who are you?" I asked. I sounded much braver then I felt.
"Doesn't matter."
"It matters to me. Names have meaning. Good or bad. They have power and meaning."
"You know when you fought that guy you were filled with such power you felt you could take on twenty men and win?"
"You glowed red. Yes?" I thought about this for a moment. Yes I do remember there being a weird red glow on the ground when this happened. Also every time this happened my hand glowed. I guess I was so tired it was just from that but I think I guessed wrong.
"Yes. I glowed red."
"I gave you my blessing. The blessing of Ares or Mars but not the point. You have the potential of a child of Ares so I give you a full blessing of Ares any time in battle someone you love gets hurt you get my blessing as long as you need it then it's gone. You might pass out but whatever. Do you accept?" Ares the God of war was giving me his blessing. Hades yes!
"Yes I accept your blessing." I was surrounded by red light. I felt power, so much power like I could take on all the men or women in a war. I looked at Nico. He looked scared. I started to panic. I didn't want him to be scared of me. He saw I was panicking and mouthed the words 'Calm down' so I did I thought of all the best moments in my life. Making Nico smile, kissing Connor, having a family again. Then the light was gone. I felt tired, like I just fought every person in a war. I crumpled to the ground.

Emma Jackson the Story of Percy Jackson's TwinWhere stories live. Discover now