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I wake up in a bed in the infirmary. I see Nico, Connor, Annabeth, and Percy around my bed. Percy had the strength to stand probably do more then that. "Percy?" My voice was groggy.
"Yeah Em." His voice is gental and quiet.
"What happened?"
"Ask Nico. I woke up yesterday."
"After you got his blessing you colapsed. I got Connor he brought you here, you've been out for three days." Nico said quietly.
"Three days?" I practically yell.
"Yes. One question what blessing?" Connor asks.
"Uh, Ares gave me his blessing." Connor face turns from gental to confused. "A war blessing." He still looks confused. "Okay, so I have the power to defeat twenty men at once if someone I love gets hurt. It happened when Percy got hurt but I didn't know that happened. Ares gave me the full blessing so I can use it when ever not when ever he's watching."
"Oh." He still looks confused.
"Have Annabeth explain sometime."
"Yeah, sure." He responds.
"Emma what was her name?" Nico asks. I try to think of what he was asking. He means her. He must have read my thoughts or something. He did that the day we were at Sally's.
"Her name was Jamie." I say my voice wavering. I'm on the verge of crying now.
"What are two talking about?" Percy asks.
"Nothing." I say.
"It doesn't seem like nothing." Annabeth says.
"I don't want to talk about it."
"Your telling me later though." Annabeth says.
"Fine." I grumbled. Out of no where Will walks over and says "Excuse me." He touches Nico's arm. He blushed and I giggle. He shoots me a dirty look. I giggle more. Will listens to my heart beat, takes my blood pressure, and takes my temperature. Then walks away. "Nico you-"
"Shut it." He interrupts.
"Shut up!"
"No." I say.
"Yes." He responds.
"Will you two shut up!" Percy yells. "You two act more like siblings then Emma and me."
"Maybe we are siblings. You don't know." Percy opens his mouth to speak but closes it. "That's what I thought." Will comes back over to us.
"Emma you can leave if you'd like."
"Thanks Will." I get up out of bed and walk a couple steps. My knees buckle under me but Connor catches me.
"Let me help you." I look at him for awhile.
"I'm fine I can walk."
"Your knees just buckled under you. I'm helping you."
"No. I can walk."
"Fine walk by yourself." He lets go of me and I take a couple of steps and I stay on my feet.
"See I can walk." I walk all the way to my cabin and get changed and do my hair in a ponytail. Connor is waiting outside my door.
"Do you wanna do somethin' today?"
"Like what?"
"Swim, have a picnic, sword fight, archery, anything you'd like."
"Follow me." I lead Connor into the woods. We sit down by a stream and I look into his brown eyes for awhile.
"What are we doing?" Connor asks.
"I'm trying to decide something."
"If I should tell you something or not."
"Do you want to tell me?"
"Yes." I sound skeptical.
"You don't sound like you do." I just keep looking into his eyes.
"I'm gonna tell you."
"You know when Nico asked what her name was?"
"And I said I'd tell Annabeth the story later?"
"I'm gonna tell you that story."
"Okay. Go on."
"I was adopted when I was three. Before that I had a friend who felt like a sister to me. Her name was Jamie. We did everything together. When I had a nightmare she was there to make me feel better. She gave me this." I pull my ring from my pocket. It was on a gold chain. The ring had a sea blue stone and light blue, almost white stones surrounding it. "The orphanage we lived in was surrounded by men with guns. One guy came in the the orphanage and told us all one move and he'd shoot. I twist my ring when I get nervous. I was twisting it and it fell to the ground. Jamie bent down to get it and she handed it to me. After she did he shot her." I start to cry. "As she fell to the ground she mouthed the words 'I love you'. That was the first time Ares gave me his blessing. I fought the guy until he was on his hands and knees. All he said was you fight well for a girl. I brought the hilt of his sword to his head and he crumpled to the ground." I say this all in between sobs. "Everyone had a terrified look on their face. So I ran. I ran away from the orphanage. Ran away from Jamie. Ran away from all the bad memories but kept the good ones. I found a new orphanage that was better. They took me in. On my birthday I got adopted by the Maxleys. They treated me like I was theirs. They didn't know what happened to me or what I did. I started over but I couldn't get over Jamie so I became like Nico. A kid who hardly smiled. I never shared my feelings and every night I cried myself to sleep. I was bullied and picked on." Connor pulls me into his lap and hugs me. "But then I found camp and I was a new person. I was cheerful and shared my feelings but since Percy got hurt I've gone back to my old self. I cry myself to sleep but no one hears. I don't share my feelings and I hardly smile. I started to remember Jamie. All the bad stuff that happened to us. Not the good. But every time I'm around you, Percy, or Nico I remember the good times. You guys can make me smile." And I smiled at this. I could tell Connor smiled too. "You guys are my new family. I will never forget you. The good or the bad we will be family. Forever." We sit there for awhile. Connor rocks me back and forth and I sit on his lap and smile. It wasn't forced like it almost always is. This smile was real. A real smile of happiness.

Emma Jackson the Story of Percy Jackson's TwinWhere stories live. Discover now