My Twin

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Bring, bring, bring, bring.
Hello? I ask sleepily.


Sally? Why are you calling me?

I wanted to know how you were. And Percy. Is Percy okay?

Yeah he's good. Really good actually he's sword fighting and scaling the climbing wall too.


Do you have a house?

Yes Paul, Estella, and me are staying at his mom's house.

That's great. Sorry your apartment blew up. It was kinda my fault.

Oh honey it's not your fault. It was that thing.

Yeah, but I attracted him.

Honey don't think like that. Percy does it all the time too.

I laugh quietly. Sally I gotta go. It was nice talking to you. Bye.

Bye Emma. Hope I can talk to you again soon.

I end the call. Knock, knock, knock. "Who is it?"
"It's Chiron." I walk over to the door. I don't say come in because he can't fit into the door.
"Child, you had asked for your adoption papers. Here they are." He hands me a stack of papers. "Your birth parents and if you had any sibling or siblings is on page five." I quickly turn to that page. It read.

Parent(s): Sally Jackson Relation:Mother
Sibling(s): Perseus Jackson Relation:Twin brother

I gasp. "P-p-Percy is my t-t-twin."
"Yes child."
"And my mother is Sally?"
"Yes." I run out the door. Not from fear or anger, I run out the door because I'm happy, so, so, so, happy. I run until I find Percy. I run and jump and give him a hug. I hug him so tight all he can say is. "I can't breath." I let go of him. I feel tears run down my cheeks. Tears of joy. Pure joy. I still have the papers in my hand. I flip back to the fifth page and show him. "Percy your my twin. Your my twin. My twin!" I say so happily and loudly everyone stops what their doing at looks. All Percy does was stare at the papers. "Percy?" He looks me in the eyes and asks.
"Why what?"
"Why did she give you away?"
"I don't know." He hugs me. We stand there for awhile just hugging. "Percy?"
"Are you mad at Mom?"
"No." But I could tell he is. He's  mad at her for abandoning me. For leaving me at an orphanage. But now he's  happy.  Happy to have me in his life, happy to have a sister, a twin in fact. "Em?"
"People are staring."
"I know."
"You wanna tell all our friends?"
"Yeah. Starting with Connor." He puts his arm across my shoulder.
"So sis what are we gonna do now?"
"Start over maybe."
"That sounds good. Hi I'm Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon."
"I'm Emma Jackson, daughter of Poseidon and your twin." He laughs.
"So after we tell Connor who's next?"
"Nico. Then Annabeth, then Leo, then Piper, then all your other friends."
"So we're starting with your friends first?"
"Well what?"
"Connor's more then a friend." I say quietly.
"Emma! Why didn't you tell me?" He rubs his fist into my head.
"I haven't had time. You've been in the infirmary and I've been in the infirmary. I haven't had time that's all."
"Sure that's all. Who knows?"
"One person."
"And that one person is?"
"You tell him everything!"
"Yeah then I tell Connor unless he already knows then I tell you."
"I'm a last resort?" Percy practicly yells.
"Yeah!" I say smiling. He gives me his devilish grin. "What are you gonna do?" I ask.
"You'll see."
"Oh I'm so scared!" I say sarcastically.
"Hey Em!" Connor strolls over. "Whatca doin'?"
"Percy give me the paper." Percy gives me the paper but doesn't let go. "Percy! Let go!" Randomly in the background. "Let it go! Let it go! Can't hold me back anymore!" Percy bursts out laughing. An elfish boy runs over. "Hey! I'm Leo. Percy's friend. And you are?"
"Emma, Emma Jackson."
"Percy have you been cheating on Annabeth!?" He gives Percy a mischievous grin. Percy lightly pushes him. "You didn't deny it! Percy!"
"So your Leo the kid who built the ship, the kid who came back from the dead, found Ogyia twice,-"
"Yes, yes, I'm fabulous! No need to talk about me!"
"You are such a dork!"
"Thank you!"
"Percy just give Connor the papers." Percy gives Connor the papers. "Turn to page five." He does as he's told.
"What?! You guys are twins?!"
"Yeah! Isn't great?"
"Yes!" He picks me up and twirls me around. He sets me back on the ground and kisses me. "Its amazing!"
"Who are you?" Leo asks.
"Emma Jackson, daughter of Poseidon, twin sister of Percy Jackson." I say sassily.
"Woah! Percy how could you not tell me you had a twin let alone a sister!?"
"1) I found out we were twins just today. 2) You just got here yesterday with Calypso so I  couldn't tell you."
"I gotta tell everyone!" He runs off and starts yelling things like 'Percy has a twin!' or 'Emma Jackson is Percy's twin!'
"He's crazy." Connor states.
"Yeah, but he's still our friend."
"Can't argue with that."
"Let's go tell Nico. Perce come on." I follow his gaze to some black SUVs. "Percy?" He walks towards the SUVs. As he gets closer people pile out. One girl runs to hug him, a guy bro hugs him, and another shakes his hand. One girl just says something and he accepts this as a hello. They started to walk towards Connor and me. "Mind introducing me to your friends?" I ask.
"Oh, this is Jason Grace." He points to a guy with piercing blue eyes, gold glasses, blonde hair, a tan, and who was pretty muscular. "This is Frank." He points to a Chinese dude who had black hair styled in a crew cut. "This is Hazel." He points to a smallish brown girl standing next to Frank. She had gold eyes, her hair is curly and brown but it looks gold when the sun shines on it, and she has a purple shirt on. All of them do actually. "And this is Reyna." He points to a girl with about shoulder length hair that is a dark brown. She has warm brown eyes that had seen war. I can tell. She also has on a purple shirt on, but she has a cape on too. She seems cool. "Everyone this is Emma my twin." They all look at him for a second the Jason says. "Nice to meet you."
"Yeah. You too." I didn't notice before but he had a cresent moon scare on his lip. "Were'd you get that scar?" I say pointing to to his face. He blushes.
"I, uh, um."
"He tried to eat a vicious stapler." A voice from being me says. I turn around and see a girl who looks around 16. She has black hair, same blue eyes as Jason, she has a black tank top on with black jeans, she also has a button pinned on her shirt that says 'Punk I ain't dead you are!'
"Thalia!" Percy says and tries to hug her but instead bro hugs her too. "Thalia this is Emma my-"
"Yeah, yeah, your twin sister." Percy's face was pure surprise. I crack up. "Nice to meet you. I'm a hunter. And what do you do?" She asks.
"Uh, I like archery and I date this num nut." I say pointing to Connor. Thaila starts laughing.
"Your dating Stoll?" She says laughing even more.
"Yeah. You got a problem with that?" My pent up anger rising in my voice.
"No, but I think his dad might." My face turns red with anger.
"That's it Punk! You can insult me but no one, and I repeat no one insults my family and friends!"
"What are you gonna do? Shoot me with you toy arrows?" I grab my sword from its sheath and before she can react I have my sword at her throat. "No I'm gonna fight you." Her face goes from a smile to scared.
"Not now Connor." I growl.
"Your glowing."
"Yeah I know."
"Emma back away from Thalia." Percy's voice is calm but firm.
"Why should I do that?" I growl.
"She's the daughter of Zeus, a hunter so she has super human strength, and you'll probably kill her."
"Ha. Kill her. Yeah right."
"But Em. You have the blessing-"
"Yeah I do! You got a problem with that too?" They stare at me like I'm a freak. Percy looks scared, so does Connor. You know what I do? I start crying. Bawling actually. Because my brother is scared of me. My own boyfriend is scared of me!
"Em lower your sword." Percy says. I do as I'm told. I toss my sword aside and crumple to the ground. Percy and Connor run to my side.
"Percy let me handle this." Percy sees the look in his eyes and understands. "Emma?" I look up at Connor. "Tell me a good time. Would you please?" He pulls me into his lap. I sit their for awhile thinking. Then I start my story.

Emma Jackson the Story of Percy Jackson's TwinWhere stories live. Discover now