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Thomas POV (Memory flashback)

"You are crazy Thomas there is no way I will let you go with Ava alone" Teresa said with a smirk on her face.

"Well the come with me but there is no guarantee we can get out of this situation" I said

"I don't want to get my memory erased Tom is that so hard for you to understand, I don't want to forget you...I have only ever cared for you since my mom...you know. And know you are willing to just let them walk away and take our memories don't you want to remember me? Don't you care about me? About us?..."

"Teresa I..." " Forget it" she cut me off and began to walk away but before she could I grabbed her waist pulled her closer and kissed her so gently and passionately that we almost forgot we were going to forget each other in the next couple of days.

"I love you Teresa Agnes and I could never forget you not even a memory swipe could make me forget you" she smiled softly.

"I love you too Tom" she said as she pulled me closer into a heartwarming hug.



The last thing I saw was Thomas, his eyes were filled with horror and his trembling lips were slightly parted letting out small heavy breaths. I knew this would hurt him but yet there was nothing I could do I was not going to risk his life again to save mine, I made that mistake once but not again not anymore...so as I looked into his eyes I let a small smile escape my lips and I knew he could feel this was goodbye. The ground was shaking and the building was crumbling until suddenly everything stopped...tears escaped my eyes, though I was not ready to let him go yet gravity kept pulling me down...away from him, never to come back up. "I love you Thomas" I whispered to myself and as I watched him get farther away I closed my eyes and waited for them to be shut forever.

And suddenly BAAAAAAAAM!

"You don't think I was going to let you die that easily did you?" said an unfamiliar voice, I opened my eyes and saw everyone including Thomas who was lying unconscious on the floor.

"You're okay Teresa" Minho said softly while he caressed my head.

And then everything went black.

(Memory flashback)

"Teresa come on you know you can't hide from me forever, I know you're in there open the door....please" Thomas said, his voice was like a drug and I just felt compelled to open the door.

"Im sorry Tom.....Im so sorry" I said sobbing while I sat down on my bed. Thomas sat next to me and started to rub my back gently "What is it? What happened?" The concern in his voice made me unsure if I should tell him. "I..I...lost it" His face now showed confusion and concern"I was pregnant and I lost it...I lost our baby" I sobbed and when I looked up his face was broken I had never seen him like this before he was just broken and crushed. He pulled me closer and embraced me in a tight hug "Its okay, I love you, Its okay" the sweetness in his voice was the antidote for my sorrow and in that moment I did what my instincts told me and we kissed. It was a long powerful kiss, we only pulled apart when we needed air and just like that we fell asleep in each others arms, feeling the other one breathe against each other. There is no place I rather be and that thought ran through my head until I fell asleep.

Thomas POV

I woke up with a gentle cold breeze caressing my face as I tried to stand up  my memories kept coming back everything just bombing my head with all those incidents and moments...Newt...Janson...Teresa.  The thought of her made a small tear escape my eyes as I got up and made my way through the door. I could tell we were at the "Safe Heaven" it was a beautiful place filled with mountains and color nothing compared to the Maze or the Scorch this place was full of life, I almost managed to feel happy before I was snapped out of my thoughts by Minho who was looking at me happily just like nothing has happened.

"Hey" I said with a broken voice

"Hey shank" he replied as he approached me and pulled me into a strong hug, when we finally parted I noticed his glassy eyes and I could tell he was thinking about Newt his best friend my best friend. "I think there is someone you'll want to see" he said and started walking towards Brenda and in that moment I felt quite uncomfortable I mean don't get me wrong I like Brenda but she's not her and she could never be her, after her death I know that I never want to love someone again, not anymore my heart had an owner and death or alive my heart would always belong to her. But then he walked right past her and continued walking towards a small cottage near the cliff close to the sea, I know Minho saw the confusion in my eyes because he took a step forward and pronounced the most perfect words he could have ever said..."She is sitting by the cliff shank, go get her" at that moment my heart felt like it was about to fly out of my chest my breathing increased as I ran to the top of the cliff....and then I saw her her raven black hair was flying with every breath of the wind but she was just sitting there calmly looking at the horizon just like that day in the scorch I stood there frozen and turned back at Minho unsure of what I was seeing wasn't a hallucination he just smiled and shouted "Go!" In that moment Teresa turned around and gasped we both started running towards each other and then we were kissing.

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