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Teresa POV
It has been about two months since we arrived here and things couldn't be more perfect. I think everyone is having a great time well everyone except Brenda she's been acting strange ever since she kissed Tom just like she's up to something, I know she doesn't trusts me but I really would like to get to know her, after all we are going to have to live with each other and besides the fact that she's in love with my Thomas she seems cool.

It was my average morning I woke up got my stuff and headed to the kitchen when I saw Brenda at the corner of my eye picking up corn so I decided to go and talk to her.

"Hey Brenda!" I said with a smile on my face she just looked up at me confused.

"What are you doing here Teresa?"

"Nothing I just wanted to say hello"

"Well...hello" she said sarcastically. Man she's complicated.

"So what are you up to" I said to break the uncomfortable silence.

"What do you want Teresa?" By this time she had stopped working and was giving me a death stare.

"I just figures we could hang out sometime, you know become friends maybe..."

"Ha...ha...ha...very funny Teresa but as you know I have my friends and actually you're not the kind of girl I'd like to hangout with"

"Why not? You don't even know me" I replied with sadness

"That's why , I mean you knew the gladers and you betrayed them anyway, I don't even want to imagine what you'd do to me. I got to get back to work so...disappear" my heart broke into a million pieces I still can't believe people are still mad about the betrayal I did it to save the man that I loved and if I had to I would do it again.

I just walked away I didn't feel like going to work so I didn't. I went to the cliff that place was very comforting for me it's were Tom and I kissed not so long ago and that memory was calming every time I needed some cheering up. I stood there for hours staring at the horizon just thinking about everything that went down in the scorch and at Wicked's facilities. It was getting late and suddenly someone snapped me off my thoughts.

"Hey" I turned around and saw Tom with a concerned look on his face.

"Hey" I replied and looked back at the horizon

"What are you doing up here?" That line reminded me of the scorch minutes before I had to betray him. I gulped and let a tear fell down my cheek.

"Just thinking" I was hoping for him to leave me alone just like that time.

"Frypan said you didn't make it to work today, is everything okay?"

"Yeah I think so, it's just that sometimes I remember how it all went down and what I would do if I had to do it all over again" an awkward silence filled the moment until he finally broke it.

"Why are you thinking about the past Teresa?"

"I just can't help it, everything that happened...everything that I did has scared me....forever"

"You shouldn't do that Teresa, tormenting yourself isn't going to get you anywhere is not worth it, we have a life here don't waste it by thinking about nonsense"

"Is it Tom...nonsense?"

"What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean, do you ever think about Chuck or Alby... Newt?"

"Sometimes...but that doesn't stop me from living plainly their sacrifices led us here and I'm not going to dishonor them by having a shitty attitude"

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