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She was paralyzed, her breaths were catching up to her heart beat. She could already feel her entire nervous system collapsing. She had just let Thomas, Minho and Harriet to hell, she was going to become the reason everyone would end up dead. And she was not having it, it was probably a stupid decision but she ran on the opposite direction, praying and hoping that Thomas wouldn't go after her. As fast as she could and did not bother looking back, she knew if she did her legs would collapse, not letting her walk away from him once again, too many times had she been the damsel in distress and he had always been her knight in shinny armor, he had always been there to save her and comfort her. But not this time. As she ran it almost felt like she was ripping herself from them, from the family she was not going to let die, never again. Not knowing where she was going she just followed around the giant wall, she knew that at one point they would get to her and when they did she would give the others advantage. But somehow she knew that Thomas would never understand, he loved her too damn much to jeopardize her life, her freedom, her spirit.

It was useless no matter how fast she ran or how determined she was to get away from them Thomas didn't have much trouble catching up with her and she was soon stopped by his arm grabbing her shirt making her fall hopelessly to the ground.

"What the fuck Teresa?! What the hell are you doing are you crazy!!!?" Thomas screamed in between breaths, holding her arm so she wouldn't get away. She fought to get off his grasp, kicked and tried to get him off but as always it was useless.

"You have to get away from me! You have to get away from me right now! They will find me and you can't be here!" she screamed as she fought. Suddenly Minho and Harriet came to view panting and confused by the scene that was going in front of their eyes.

"What the hell is going on here!? Teresa what do you think you're doing?!" Minho snapped

"I need to get away from you right now, Thomas let go of me" she continued screaming trying to break free from his grasp, but he was too scared and confused to let go of her. "Thomas please!" she pleaded. "Teresa I don't undestand! What is happening?" his voice broken. She lifted her hair and turned so he could she the tag"I am tagged and when they find out if they haven't already they will take me and you need to get away from me or else this plan will go to shit! JUST GO!" Thomas freezed at the thought of his girl being taken by them, his tight hold loosened and Teresa stood up quickly but he still was in shock and a million scenarios went through his mind. Meanwhile Minho understood what he was going to have to do, hold Thomas back while he watched his girl being ripped away from him once more, as a leader  he knew that was the only solution to take down WCKD even if it meant endangering her life and most likely loosing it.

"I am not going to let you go to them, not by yourself Im coming with you" Thomas stood up and looked her in the eye. "Its not your choice to make Tom" she gently whispered and cupped his face "Its my turn to make things right, I know that you will find a way to destroy them and when you do I will be waiting for you I promise" she pecked his lips as tears flowed from his eyes and held he hand so tight so that she would not go "Minho please!" Teresa looked at Minho, he grabbed Thomas and Teresa  broke her hand free and walked away slowly crying and looking back.

"Teresa no! Please! Minho get the hell off me! Teresaaaaa!" he fought and kicked and screamed but Minho knew it was the right thing to do. Teresa looked back once more and heard one last scream, and she continued running until she was no longer in sight.

"Teresa" Thomas cried as he slowly let himself collapse on the floor.

"Im sorry man, we have to get her out of there but first we need a way in. I need you with me on this Thomas, we can't do it without you.

Thomas looked up anger filled his face. "Come on! we are ending this once and for all" he walked towards the wall and continued to search for a way in.


She ran until her legs were no longer responding, she stopped panting and grasping for air grabbing her knees.

"The subject is right outside the main entrance sir, should we follow the capture protocole?" inside the building a woman spoke referring to Teresa.

"DO IT, we will see how tough she is once she is locked down, who knows maybe this is our second chance of finding a cure" the man with. scar said

"EXECUTE CAPTURE" the woman said and clicked the computer

And with just just that click Teresa was lying unconscious on the ground with the tag in her neck blinking a red light.

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