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The doctor put me under mild anesthesia for the D&C, so when I woke up, I was already in a hospital room. I looked over and saw Andrew in the recliner next to me. He had fallen asleep, his cheek resting on his fist. Reaching over, I rested my hand on his knee.

"Charlotte, you're awake." Andrew stood and sat next to me on the bed. "Are you okay?"

"I'm okay. Have you heard anything about Julia?"

"Not yet. I saw her mom downstairs, and she promised to come update us as soon as she knew something."

"Oh my God. If she doesn't pull through this, I don't know what I'm going to do."

"Shhh. She's going to be fine." Andrew looked at me for a moment. "Char, we need to talk...about the pregnancy. Why didn't you tell me?"

The breath I took burned my lungs; the words I was about to say make me want to throw up, and I hoped with everything inside me it didn't change things with me and Andrew. "I—I slept with Liam the night before he came over to the house that day."

He cocked his head to the side. "Okay. I figured you had slept together, so that's not a surprise, but—" He stopped speaking as he realized. "You're not sure who the father was."

Tears spilled onto my cheeks, and I drew a ragged sob. "That's what I meant when I said timing. I only slept with him that one time, but he didn't use a condom. Then you and I started dating." I shrugged. "I just couldn't bear to think about it, and I didn't want you to be disappointed in me. But I never—I never wanted this. No matter what." I broke then, my sobs coming fast and hard. Andrew crawled into bed next to me and pulled me into his arms.

"I know you didn't. And I would've been that baby's father either way. In fact, I am that baby's father. I'm in this with you, Charlotte." He ran his hands through my hair, and I snuggled into his chest.

"I love you, Andrew. So much."

"I love you too. Now, sleep. I'll wake you if there's any news about Julia." He kissed my forehead and held me while I drifted off to dream.

"Charlotte. Baby, wake up." Someone was shaking me. I cracked my eyes open and saw Andrew, but something past him caught my eye.


I sat up and started to cry. "Oh God, Julia. You're alive!"

Andrew put his hand on my leg when I started to get out of bed. "You don't need to get up. Hang on; I'll bring her to you." Andrew went behind Julia and wheeled her over. She was pale; her face battered and bruised, her left leg in a cast, the gash on her chest stitched. But when she smiled at me, I knew she was okay.

"Julia, I am so sorry."

"Shh, Char. You couldn't have known he would do this. And he hurt you too. Where is the douche, anyway? Please tell me the cops got him."

I shook my head. "No. He got away when Andrew got to my house. He was about to..." I stopped; I couldn't say it. But she knew.

"Oh, Charlotte. I'm so sorry." It was Julia's turn to cry. She looked up at Andrew. "Can you help me? I need to hug her." Andrew nodded and helped her out of her wheelchair, sat her on the bed, and lifted her legs onto the mattress. She scooted up so she was lying next to me. I laid my head on her shoulder and we cried together.

After about five minutes, Julia sniffled and wiped her eyes. "Okay, we gotta get our shit together." She looked around the room. "Where's Andrew?"

"He must've stepped out."

"What did he do to you, Charlotte? What are your injuries? I see your nose had to be reset and you've got a pretty impressive shiner." She put her hand on my chin and turned my face sideways.

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