Chapter 3: What's The Title Of This Song?

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Music's POV

I woke up at exactly 6 am. I was going to wake up Kim but to my surprise, her bed was already fixed! I heard some noises downstairs.

I walked with my eyes shortened. I grabbed a very dangerous weapon and walked like a ninja onto the kitchen. There's someone in the kitchen and maybe that person took my cousin away while she's sleeping!

I jumped out of the corner and was prepared for a deadly battle but it was just Kim!

"Oh my god Music!!! Are you trying to give me a heart attack?!"

"K-Kim? Wh- H- how? For god's sake you woke up early?!"

"Oh come on I can't be that bad! You make me sound like the heaviest sleeper in world!"

"Really?!Remember when our camp ground was on fire & everybody was screaming for help while you my cousin..

You were still sleeping peacefully in our tent!!!"

"Alright! Jeesh! But seriously though? You think you can kill someone with a pillow? Seriously?"

"Never underestimate me Kim! You don't know how many I could kill with just a pillow."

"Okay I get it you spartan. Sit down cause I prepared breakfast today."

She prepared fried rice and fish fillet and not to mention Kim's really a great cook. It could've been her course but she told me that she loved dancing more than anything else.

I was eating beautifully and femininely (note the sarcasm) until she brought up something crazy.

"Hey couz... you see...

I met a guy yesterday."

"Come on Kim! Not this again!"

"No Music! It really felt like he's the right one! He's so.. so perfect."

She said while making that 'I'm so in love' look on her face.

"You got to ask his name this time?"

"Not only that Music, he accompanied me all day and gave me a tour around the campus! See? Told you! He's the one!!!"

"Come on Kim! You fall so easily! I don't want you getting hurt again this time okay?."


She gave me a puppy look. She has those big round eyes and a small face that she use to get whatever she wants.

"But what?"

"He... he asked me on a date!"

I spitted out the coffee on her face. Ugh this brat's so easy to fall!!!


"Calm down Music! All right I'm going to introduce him to you later okay? Now let's go! We're gonna be late again!"

Ugh this girl, giving me so much headaches! So that's why she woke up early and looked so excited! She can't wait to see that boy in school!

We got into school and as usual separated ways again. She's goes on the dance department on the left building while music department's on the right.

I walked into class and opened the door. That butt faced demon was sitting on my chair!

"Move! You butt faced moron!"

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