Chapter 6

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As I woke up I smiled because I didn't have any nightmares that night. I opened my eyes and looked to my right where Austin had laid when I fell asleep. But he wasn't there anymore. I sat up immediately scanning the room but Austin was nowhere to be found. I frowned. "Austin?" I stood up putting on one of his shirts that was lying on his computer chair. I opened the door and stepped into the hallway. "Austin?" I shouted again. No response. I walked back into Austin's room looking for my phone but I couldn't find it. I decided to get dressed and walk home. As I stepped out of the house I looked around. Damn where was I? I turned left not knowing if it was the right way or not I just wanted to get away from here. Who the fuck does Austin think he is? Why did he just leave like that? My feelings were mixed with anger and sadness but as for right now I just felt the anger coming through. The rock star thinks he can bang every girl and then just leave the house until they're gone. I walked faster, I just wanted to be home. Maybe it was just some show he put on. Maybe he does that with every girl. Why the fuck was I that stupid and got myself into this. The alcohol, just blame it on the alcohol. I thought. I breathed out in relief when I finally saw my house. I walked in just to see Daniel and that cute guy from the club making out on the couch. As he saw me he pulled away from him. He looked me in the eyes and immediately knew something was wrong. "I'm sorry Travis but you have to go." He said to his lover. I shook my head at him to let him know Travis didn't have to leave. "You know chicks before dicks." He said to him and I had to smile a little. Daniel walked Travis to the door promising him to call him later. Then he turned to me and asked "What's wrong?" and this was just the last straw to break the camel's back. I broke down crying. Daniel was right by my side, carrying me to the couch where he sat down beside me. My head was on his chest, crying and sobbing. The t-shirt he was wearing smelled different, I knew it wasn't his and I actually wanted to move my head away so I wouldn't cry on probably Travis' shirt but in that precise moment I was just too weak for anything. "Calm down baby girl." Daniel said rubbing my back. "What's going on?" he asked again and I told him what's happened.

It may sound ridiculous to cry because of such thing but I have some issues just like every of us have. Daniel had just made me some tea and was now sitting in front of me on the floor, legs crossed. "I thought Austin was different to be honest and you know me I actually know people very well." he said. "I'm just- i don't know- disappointed?" "I'm so sorry baby girl, I shouldn't have let you go home with him yesterday." Daniel claimed. "It's okay, you couldn't have known." I said sipping my tea. "I understand if you're mad at me, I carry the can." "shut up I'm not mad at you. I'm kinda mad at myself." "You wanna go hit the gym?" Daniel asked while standing up, stretching himself. "Oh yes please." 

We went to the gym and I exercised a lot just to get rid of my thoughts. And it helped. "Hey you new here?" I turned around and some guy was standing behind me, smiling. He had dark hair and blue eyes. "Uhm yeah I just moved here some days ago." I replied fixing my ponytail. "Hi I'm Taylor." he held out his hand. "Suna." I said, shaking it. "Suna, what a beautiful name." I smiled. "If you ever need someone to guide you around San Antonio just let call me." he said, handing me a piece of paper with his number on it. "Alright, I'll let you know." He smiled and turned around. I worked out for 30 more minutes before taking a shower and getting changed. Daniel was waiting for me in front of the gym. I walked towards him as I saw Austin walking up the street.

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