Addicted to you (Austin Mahone fanfic)

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Chapter 1

“You’re late for your first day at school.” My eyes flushed open. My best friend was standing in front of me with a cup of coffee in his hand. “Fuck.” I jumped out of bed and Daniel started laughing. “What?” I frowned. “I was kidding baby girl.” I rolled my eyes at him. “I hate you.” He walked out of my room with that boyish grin on his face. Daniel has been my best friend ever since mid-school. His parents were doctors and he was stinking rich. Thanks to him we could afford a huge house in San Antonio, Texas. Furthermore, he was handsome as fuck. Leanly built, brown-haired and blue-eyed. In case you wonder why we’re never happened to date, he’s gay and since he’s like a brother I could never imagine myself with him anyway. There was no person that knew me better than he did.

As I came into the kitchen after I got dressed Daniel was making pancakes. He glanced at me. “You want some?” he asked, continuing his cooking. “No thank you.” I said, grabbing a cup and filling it with coffee. I sat down at the breakfast bar, watching Daniel, which was quite amusing since he wasn’t the greatest talent at cooking. “You nervous about today?” he asked. He knew I could never manage to eat anything when I was nervous. “No, I simply don’t trust your cooking skills.” I grinned. Daniel rolled his eyes at me. “I’m kidding. Yeah I’m kinda nervous. New city, new school, new people.” And I really hate people, I thought to myself. I actually didn’t want to move away but I kind of had to. So Daniel and me were just starting our last year of school in the first week of school, but on a Wednesday since we just moved here yesterday. “Trust me, baby girl, they’re gonna love you. You’re smart, beautiful, sexy. The boys are gonna be crazy about you.” He said, putting the (almost black) pancakes on a plate. “Oh, shut up.” I wasn’t really confident about myself. I’ve never been to be honest.

After Daniel has finished his delicious (note the sarcasm) breakfast we went to school. Daniel used to go to San Antonio for vacations since his aunt lived here so he already knew some people and introduced me to some of them. I admit, I’m not good at making friends so I just stood there awkwardly while he talked to his friends. “So you’re from Seattle?” One of them asked, his name was Alex, I guess. “Yeah.” I said. “What the hell made you move from Seattle to San Antonio?” he laughed. I didn’t know what to say since I could not tell him the real reason. He couldn’t know that he just brought the awful memories back to my mind. I didn’t want to think about it so I had to think of something to reply, fast. But nothing came to my mind. “Well..” I stuttered. “She just really wanted to meet you and go to college with you.” Daniel replied. Alex started laughing. I smiled at Daniel. “Yeah, Daniel was talking about you non-stop whenever he came back home.” I said, sarcastically. “Right.” Daniel laughed.

Alex was a cool guy, though. We had some things in common and joked around a lot. I could totally imagine us becoming friends. We sat at the lunch table, Daniel, Alex, me and some others, and talked about random things. “Like, Daniel never goes on roller coasters and that one time we were at this one theme park in Florida, we rode that hardcore roller coaster and Daniel threw up while riding, it was so disgusting. Since then I never went to any theme park with him again, even though I love riding roller coasters.” I said. The others started laughing, even Daniel. “Oh shut up, you’re embarrassing me in front of my friends.” “And you should never watch a horror movie with him, because  he’s gonna call you at night, telling you how scared he is and that he needs one to come over.” “Now that’s why you didn’t want to go to cinema with us when we wanted to watch Paranormal Activity.” One of the boys said. “Well, good that you’re living with me now therefore we can watch scary movies now.” He grinned. “Suna, you really have to meet my best friend, he’s just like you in some way.” Alex said. “Okay, is he here today?” I asked. “No, he’s homeschooled.” “Homeschooled?” “He used to be a famous Youtuber, he already has some own songs.” Daniel replied. “So you know him?” “Yes, I told you about him, his name is Austin.” Then I remembered. “Ah right, the guy with room full of fanmail on his walls.” “Exactly this guy.”, Alex said. “Well, you wanna come over later?” he asked. “I’d love to, but I’m hitting the gym later and after that I still have to unpack.” “Damn, tomorrow then?” “Alright.” Alex smiled and we finished lunch, mostly mocking Daniel.

I went to the gym right after school. I worked out for only an hour considering I had a bunch of homework waiting for me. Just as I walked out of the building my phone buzzed. I looked at it and found I had a message from Alex.

Tomorrow at 4, that okay with you?

Yep, just give me your address and I’ll be there(: Is it okay if Daniel comes along?

I hit send just as I tripped. Before I hit the ground someone caught my arm and pulled me up. “Wow, watch out where you go.” A beautiful voice said. I looked up at the person that caught me. I looked into some hazel/green eyes. When I was thinking about his eye color, the boy frowned. “You okay?” he asked. He was about my age, maybe a little older. He had dark brown hair and his face was flawless. His lips were perfectly shaped and full. They looked so soft I just wanted to kiss them. I cleared my throat. “Yeah, I’m fine, thank you.” He smiled. I’ve died and gone to heaven, I thought to myself. How can someone have such a perfect smile? “Are you sure everything’s alright?” Jeez, stop drooling over him and get your shit together. “Yes, thank you again, for catching me.” I said while stepping away from him. “I uhm have to go now, see ya.” I turned around and walked away. Damn, I’ve never been that awkward around some boy.

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