Chapter 4

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 Bree sent us out of the room really quickly when Louis said he was exhausted and wanted to get to bed. As I walked into the bedroom I saw one big bed, I gulped I have not personally known Harry for more that 2 hours and we have to share a bed. For some odd reason, I felt the need to pack a bag with some sweats and a spare shirt just in case I wanted to be mmore comfortable on the ride home... now that seemed like a good idea. I hopped off towards the bathroom to change. Emerging a few minutes later to find Harry in just boxers. My heart skipped a beat, I bet if I was not there he would be wearing nothing, I looked at the bed I had to share. Sure it was a king sized bed but I do not share beds well at all. "You over there!", I commanded pointing to the far side. He frowned, but rolled over any way. I was not in the bed for more than five minutes when he rolled over and put his arms around me, my eyes snapped open, "Harry, what the hell are you doing?" I snapped at him. "You're warm.", he complained, snuggling closet knocking my half way off the bed. His accecnt was to damn cute, there was no way I could stay mad at him, "Ughhhh, fine!" I groaned. This was going to be a long night.


 As I climbed in the bed, Niall was already there, with the TV on watching Criminal Minds. I clicked off the light and put my head into the pillow, that's when I felt it. His arms wrapped around my upper body, "I like you Stephanie." He whispered in my ear, "Me too, Ni." I said as I turned around. "Where did these come from?!", I said as I jokingly poked his biceps, "You don't get those from Nandos, do you? If so I'll have what your eating!" "I have began to hit the gym where we are on tour." He repiled in an amused tone. "Aww man! I really wish it was the Nandos!", I complained. We began to chuckle, I buried my face into his chest. "Give me the damn pants!", Kayla screamed, laughing from the next room. 'What is going on over there?', I wondered as I drifted off to sleep


 "Give me the damn pants!", I screamed, laughing. "Hell no!", Zayn spat back. I reached back into his suitcase, "Fine! I'll just take a pair of yours then!" This caused him to jump in my path, blocking the suitcase. "No!", he whined punching me in the shoulder, "You hit like aa girl!", I replied, punching him in the same spot, "You hot like a guy!", he exclaimed rubbing the red spot on his shoulder. "Good! Now that we have established that, give me my pants back!", I pouted. He threw them back at me, then he sat on the edge of the bed and pouted like a mad three year old. "Don't mess with me I always get what I want!", I smirked, climbing into bed. A minute after he crawled in, "Sorry for taking your pants... ok that statement sounded way better in my head.", he said wincing. "I know you are!", I replied, grinning, "Now let's get some sleep."


  The suite was quiet, and of course Liam and I got the room with the squeaky door. I really had to pee. I looked at Liam, he was sound asleep on his back snoring softly. I open the door and a high pitched squeak came out, I winced. I did not want to wake him, he made a grunting noise and turned around on his side facing away from the light from the hallway. I quickly went to the bathroom, did what I had to do andcrept back into the bedroom, attempting to silence the door as I closed it. As I slid back into my place under the covers Liam buried his face in my hair and let out a sigh, I began to blush.


 It was around 4 a.m. and I was just returning from the bathroom, I softly went back under the covers. Louis sighed, "Hey babes, what do you have planned for later?" "We can go to the beach today, drive back here tonight and go to Universal Studios tomorrow! I have to go home and pick up clothes if you want me to stay.", I said. "Babe, that sounds like a great plan, and I want you to stay, we have no more concerts and all of our interviews for the next three days have been cancelled. We are in America for two more weeks and then you can come back to England, until summer break is over, if you want?!", he said. "Oh, I would love to!", I replied. "Good we will go get your stuff tomorrow and hit the beach!" He smiled, "We got a long day ahead of us, let's get a few more hours of sleep, love!"I nodded and went back to sleep.

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