Chapter 6

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 Bree and Louis arrived back at the hotel tanned and with a suitcase stuffed full of clothes. Everytime she talked to me she was putting emphasis on her lefy hand and that's when I saw it. She was sporting a diamond the size of a scallop. "You got engaged!", I screamed as I coughed up the drink I was guzzling, "Harry! Louis! Get your asses in here!" They walked in looking like sad puppies. "What do you have to say for yourself?!", I roared to Louis,  "you have not known her for more than a day and you proposed?!" Louis nodded. "You think a head and very quickly! I like that in a guy!" I continued, woah that sounded better in my head. "OK then, Emily will you marry me? ", Harry asked. I looked at him dumbfounded, he couldn't possibly think I love him. "No! ", I fired back. "That's what I thought! ", he sneered. I stormed out if the room after I told Bree how happy I was for her.


 I heard screaming from the next suite, I ran in to find a frustrated Emily pacing back and forth. "What is wrong? ", I asked her. "Bree got engaged! ", she replied. My jaw fell. "Louis proposed this morning! ", she continued. "I'll be right back!", I said,getting up from the couch. I walked into the kitchen, "Czesia, you are the person I wanted to see! I need to ask you something.", Bree said. "What?", I said trying to not punch louis who was seated beside her. "As Emmy screamed at you, Louis and I got engaged, and I want you to help me pick out the dresses and, well, be my maid of honor!", she said. "Yes! Yes, yes,yes!", I replied half crying, half screaming. "Hazza is going to be tge best man!", Louis chirped in, winking. I blushed. "When's the wedding?", I asked. After a quick discussion, they both agreed on a date, September 28. "Holy crap! That's in 3 months!", I gaped. "We know!", they replied. "Well we better get planning!", I squeaked.



 There has been a lit if planningand cake tasting during the past three weeks. I finally ended up telling Stephanie, Niall, Liam, Kayla, and Zayn. Czesia and I took the girls to get there dresses fitted while Louis and the boys dud God knows what. "I cant believe you didn't tell us!", Stephanie said. "Believe me I wanted too, but u wanted to gey ssome of it planned first!", I replied. As we were walking into the store to look at bridal gowns, my phone buzzed, the time was 6:00, and the text that I just received was from Louis. It read, 'I miss you babe. I have plans with you... be at the hotel by 7:30 :)', "We have a forty five minutes, evidently I have evening plans!", I told the girls. 45 minutes after, we left the store and headed back to the hotel. As we entered the hotel room, Louis was sitting on the couch. "Good, you're back. Go get changed. We have plans!", he exclaimed. "Emmy, can you help me get ready?", I asked. She nodded and walked towards the room. As she opened the door gshe gasped, "Oh my God its so pretty!" I walked in to see a knee length strapless dress, "Put it on!", I heard Louis yell from the living room. I quickly took a shower and blow dried my hair. As I stepped out of the bathroom, I saw Emily standing there with a curling iron.


 "Oh no you don't!", I heard Bree yell from the bedroom. I ran into see what was going on and I saw Bree, sitting in a towel with Emily holding her in a head lock. "What are you doing?", I asked Emily. "Bree is being an idiot and wont let me curl her hair!", Emily complained. After five minutes of complaning Bree finally gave in and emerged from the room wearing the dress and sporting a head of curly hair. "You look brilliant!", Louis said. Kayla and I did a quick high five and went to sit down, "Thanks!", Bree said as they left.


 Bree looked like a princess as she left with Louis to go on their date. "How did you do that?", I asked Emily and Kayla. They were still smirking when Emily replied, "I held her down and Kayla curled her hair." They exchanged another high five. "What do you want to do tonight?", I asked the remaining portion of the gang. "I vote to watch tv and do nothing!", Niall replied, this was a statement that everyone agreed with. We all settled into comfortable positions and began to watch CSI.


  "You look brilliant!", I complimented Bree as we got inti the car. "What are we doing?", Bree asked. "I am not telling you!", I said. "You cheecky bastard!", she replied in an amused tone. "I know!", I said stealing a kiss. However the kiss turned into a full out snog. "Well its a good thing I did not put lipstick on!", she replied giggling. I put the car into reverse and drove out of ththe parking garage. Around 20 minutes later, we pulled into Fleming's Steak House, "I have something else planned after this, I don't think you'll like it but management is making us do it. We have to tell everyone we are engaged." I said. She sighed, knowning we would have to do it sooner or later. We ordered right after we sat down and we waited for what we would have to do later in the night.

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