Chapter 17

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 I woke up on the sofa with Emily curled in a ball with her head in my lap and the TV muted. My eyes just adjusted to the light in the living room as I slowly stretched my arms upward stretching. I yawned and grabbed my phone seeing that Bree replied to my photo, “Ha-ha…I love it. Love you lots Li! Emmy’s gonna kill you, sleep with your eyes open for a few days! Lol!” I stifled a giggle and Emily stirred and sat up, half asleep. I quickly closed out of Twitter as I said, “Good Morning! Did you sleep well?” “Ughh! Yes, I did sleep well, thank you!” she replied yawning. “Then what was the ughh for?” I asked. “I am not a morning person! Unlike somebody!” she said. “I am going to go get breakfast started!” I said, standing up. “Oh no you’re not!! I do not want food poisoning!” she said, now fully awake. She got up and ran past me, heading towards the kitchen. When I finally got there, she already had green onions, green peppers; bacon and spinach chopped up, and was whisking some eggs in a bowl. I plopped down in the breakfast nook and stared at her. She poured half of the eggs into a pan and let them settle and cook for a minute, and then she added half of the veggie and bacon mixture. Three minutes later she pulled the omelet out of the pan and slid it on to a plate, setting it in front of me and starting on her own. She sat down a few minutes later with her own food. “This is really good!” I said with my mouth full of food. “Thanks! I cook, Stephanie bakes, Bree cooks and bakes, Czesia bakes, and Kayla eats what we bake!” She said laughing. She picks up her phone and goes through Twitter, “Awww! Bree posted a picture and a caption that reads: ‘Me and my new hubby (@Louis_Tomlinson)! We miss you rascals back in London! @Harry_Styles, @Real_Liam_Payne, @zaynmalik1D, @NiallOffical, and my girlies! Have fun without us! P.S @Harry_Styles, don’t trash our flat or you will be sleeping with one eye open! Jk! Just clean up after yourself! We love you Li, Emmy, Nialler, Steph, C, Hazza, Zayn and K! <3 Bree and Louis xoxo!’ So cute!” “That reminds me we should probably check on Harry!” I said. “Liam James Payne! I am going to kill you!” she screamed. She had found the picture. “Please don’t, I am too young to die!” I yelled running out of the kitchen and into the bedroom, jumping into the closet as Emily turned into the hallway. “Where are you? Come out or I am going to post this picture of you with your mouth open in your sleep!” Emily cried. I refused to budge from my hiding place. “Fine!” she laughed. A second later my phone beeped in my hand, she posted the picture, (which was very unattractive) with a caption that read, ‘Catch files much? Consider this revenge!’ “Found ya!” she said yanking open the closet door and smirking. “World’s worst photo!” I said laughing at my picture, walking out of the closet. “Changing the subject now! Let’s go check on Harry!” she said. ‘I was just hiding in a closet! And you think about checking up on Harry?’ I questioned her in my mind as she ran out the door.


 I woke up to the smell of food, muffins to be exact. I jogged down stairs to find Czesia pulling muffins out of the oven, “Score!” I yelled sitting down. “I see you slept well!” she cheered, setting two hot blueberry muffins on a plate in front of me. I bit into one and yelled, “Ow! Ow! Hot! Very hot!” she turned to me and gave me a duh-genius-I-just-pulled-them-out-of-the-oven look. She sat down with her own muffins, blowing on them to cool them off; just then a knock came from the front door. “Come in!” I screamed, refusing to leave my spot at the table. A minute later Liam and Emily walked into the kitchen, “Hey Hazza, Hey C!” Emily said. “Hey Emmy! Liam!” Czesia said, “Want a muffin?” “No thanks! We just ate!” Liam said. “Not meaning to be rude but, why are you here?” I asked. “We just wanted to check up with you!” Liam said. “I am going to warn you not to go over to Niall’s or Zayn’s now!” Czesia said, biting the inside of her cheek. “WHY?!” Emily, Liam and I all said at one time, causing the word to echo through the flat. “Niall is a little bit hung over and Zayn got hammered and could not even stand up to get out of the car!” Czesia said. Liam looked shocked, “I am going to kill them!” “NO YOU’RE NOT!” I yelled as Liam grabbed Emily and turned to head out. I heard the front door slam closed and Czesia got this weird look on her face. “Probably should not have told him that” I said unsure of Liam’s next move. Czesia nodded and sat back down. “Oh well!” I said sitting down to eat my muffins which were now cooled. “Those were delicious!” I said after eating both muffins. I got up and grabbed a Tupperware container from the cabinet and began to put the rest of the muffins in. “Awww thanks Hazza!” Czesia said as she finished the dishes. “No problem!” I said, putting the muffins out of Niall’s reach. I leaned across and pecked her on the lips, causing her to turn scarlet and giggle. “What’s so funny?” I asked, laughing a little. “Oh, nothing!” she said, turning even more red. “If you say so!” I said, walking out of the kitchen. “Oh Harry! I did not want to tell you until I knew for sure, but MY TRANSFER GOT OKAYED!!!” she yelled. “REALLY?” I asked. “Yeah I gat transferred to a nearby college! It is fifteen minutes from the house! I start in two weeks!” she said, jumping up and down. “That’s great!” I said, giving her a tight hug. “Harry!” she said. I did not respond “HARRY!” she said louder. “Yes?” I said. “You’re killing me! I can’t breathe!” she sputtered. I let go, “Oh sorry!” “It is fine!” she said. “Oh hun?” I said. “Yeah?” Czesia asked looking at me. “I forgot to mention this but my family is driving over to meet you they will be here in a few!” I said, hoping she would not kill me. “Ok, let me hop in the shower and you change into something good!” she said, bouncing off. She was my first serious girlfriend who did want to murder me when I said that! We met back in the living room as my mum pulled into the drive. I opened the front door and ran out, “Mummy!” I yelled. “Harry! How are you?” She said. “Great! Czesia’s inside! Hey Gemma!” I said, hugging my older sister. We walked into the house to see Czesia seated on the couch. “Hi! I’m Czesia!” she said. “I am Anne, Harry’s mum and this is Gemma, Harry’s older sister!” my mum cheered. “We have heard so much about you!” Gemma said, a smile spreading across her face.  “Sit down!” I said, ready for the conversation to continue.


 I woke up with my brain pounding in my skull and to a loud conversation downstairs. I attempt to rub some of the sleep off my face and walk downstairs. I turn into the living to see Stephanie and Liam talking loudly, and Emily texting on the couch. “What the hell is going on?” I said my heading going up to my head. “You went and got yourself drunk!” Liam spat. “I didn’t mean to! I only had four beers!” I said, my head knocking. “It does not matter!” Liam yelled. “What does it matter?” I yelled, wincing. “Do you want to fuck up your image? Cause if so it is not my fucking fault!” Liam cursed. Now I knew he was pretty pissed off, he never swore. My eyes widened, “Liam, calm down!” Emily said, standing up. “NO! Don’t say a damn thing! He has to hear this before his image goes down the damn drain!” Liam snapped to her, causing her eyes to fill with tears. She looked at me and ran out of the house, slamming the front door behind her, I looked out the window to see her running back to Liam’s flat across the street. “Now look what you did, you just had a shit fit at your girlfriend!” I yelled. “Shit!” he said, running after her. I sat down on the couch next to Stephanie, “I never meant for anything to happen! I promise!” I said, crying into her shoulder. “It’s okay! Liam just over reacted, everything will be fine.” she whispered in my ear, rubbing small circles into my back. “You sure?” I asked frowning, looking up at her as she nodded. We sat there for ten more minutes, before she stretched and said, “Let’s go get some aspirin and Nandos for that headache!” I walked into the bathroom and grabbed two aspirin from the medicine cabinet. I gulped them down and slowly changed. Ten minutes later, Stephanie and I arrived at Nandos, which was 5 miles from my house. I ordered water, oatmeal, two crepes and a stack of pancakes. “Your appetite never leaves does it?” Stephanie laughed as we started eating. “Nope!” I said, my headache just about gone. We sat there in silence eating.


 ‘I can’t believe he yelled at me!’ I thought as I ran crying back to the flat. I knew that Liam was pissed at Niall, but I did not think that he would yell at me. I ran into the house and grabbed a small tub of ice cream, a spoon, and a fork and ran into the spare bedroom. I just turned on the TV and opened my ice cream when I heard the front door close. “Emmy! Babe, I need to talk to you!” Liam said, it sounded like he had began to cry. I did not respond I was too upset. I heard the master bedroom door shut and then footsteps coming down the hall. “Emmy?” Liam asked, sticking his head in the room. “Go away; I don’t want to talk to you!” I snapped, throwing my used spoon at him, “Ahhh!” he yelled as he ducked, the spoon flying over his head and smashing against the wall. “Please babe, I want to talk to you!” Liam said, tears streaming down his face. “What!?” I snapped. He closed the door and walked into the room, heading towards my spot on the bed, “I didn’t mean to yell at you, I was furious at Niall and frustrated.” I glared at him as he lay down next to me, taking my ice cream and setting it on the night stand. “I love you and I would never do anything like that to you, I did not mean to yell at you. I was just mad at Niall. Can you please forgive me?” he asked, nuzzling my neck and looking at me with his brown puppy eyes. “Under one condition!” I warned, “What would that be Emmy?” Liam asked. “Give me back my ice cream! I was eating it!” I laughed. He grabbed the ice cream and his eyes got wide, “That’s not a sp-spoon is it?” he asked. “Relax it’s a fork!” I said pulling it out. He sighed and grabbed the utensil out of my hand and took a fork full of my ice cream. “Hey! Get your own!” I giggled, grabbing my food back and smiling at him.


  Zayn was so hung over he slept through the entire day, which let me have the day to myself. I was alarmed when I spent the entire day cleaning. Zayn finally woke up at six, “How are you feeling?” I asked. “Like shit! What the hell happened?” he asked. “You drank, a lot! You could not open the car door when we got home last night, and then you fell out of the car when I opened the door!” I said. “Oh dear lord!” he groaned, “You look terrible, I ordered pizza, it just arrived! Eat!” I said shoving him a plate with two pieces of cheese pizza on it. When we were done eating, I grabbed two aspirins and sent Zayn back to bed. When I went to sleep two hours later, he was sound asleep. I climbed in next to him and yawned, not realizing how tired I was. Before I knew it, I drifted off into a deep sleep. 

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