Chapter 7

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 "I think she bit me!", I exclaimed after Bree left. I looked at the back of my hand and sure enough there was teeth marks. "What the hell did she do that for?", I said very mad. I decided to send her a text  

Emmy: Why did you bite my hand?

Bree: Consider it revenge for curling my hair!

Emmy; You should have bitten Kayla!

Bree: But you were the one holding me down

Emmy: Good point

Bree: I know! I have to get back to my DATE with my FIANCE! BYE!!  

I turned to Kayla, "Next time we attempt to curl anyone's hair you are holding them down and I will do their hair!" "Oh no!", she replied quickly. "She did not want you to curl her hair, she told you, you didn't listen, so she bit you!", Liam replied. "He does have a point! And you know Bree will bite you if you annoy her! And that is something we should have warned Louis about!", Czesia mentioned. I nodded, "Let's just enjoy our night!", I said turning on the TV. "Holy Crap! Niall! Zayn! Get in here now!" I screamed.    


 Hearing Emily scream, Zayn and I ran into the living room. They pointed to the TV, all I thought was, 'Now I really fucking hate management!', evidently Liam thought the same thing because he screamed the statement at the top of his lungs. Louis and Bree were seated behind a large table with reporters yelling at them, and cameras flashing. "We have something to tell you!", Louis said and I started yelling every curse word that came into my mind. The entire room got quite and stared at me. "Sorry!", I blushed, sitting down next to Stephanie. "Please sit down, we have something to tell you!", Louis repeated.  


"Please sit down, we have something to tell you!", I repeated stealing a nervous glance at Bree, who attempted to smile back. Finally, all the people at the press conference quieted and sat down. I took a shaky breath and continued, "As you know, or just found out, me and my long time girlfriend Eleanor Calder just broke up. Around three weeks ago, the day that I broken up with Eleanor, my mates and I were putting on a concert in Tampa, when I looked into the audience I saw five gorgeous girls sitting in the front row. We pulled them onto the stage and this one caught my eye", I said nuzzling Bree, she blushed, I continued, "Later that evening I called her back onstage for a duet and that's when I said, 'She's the one for me', that night we had a long conversation, and I mean long, I learned that everything about her,.for example, she has hung out with the same close friends since middle school and she used to do rabbit 4H. That morning we made a quick trip to Sarasota to go to the mall, to the beach and pick up her clothes, and well... I, uh.. proposed! So we are engaged and are going to be getting married in September!", I finished. "Louis, what did you like about this girl?", one reporter asked, "Umm... everything! We are into the same music, style and most important family plans!", I replied. After that we answered a few more questions and go up to leave when one TV reporter yelled, "Can we officiate this with a showing of the ring and a kiss?" Bree smiled and flashed her hand to the cameras, that started clicking and snapping like mad, after that I turned and kissed her, causing the cameras to go insane again. We walked off stage and headed back to the hotel.     


 "I can't believe that you did that!", I hollered as Bree and Louis walked back into the house. "We were forced to by management!", Louis replied. "Oh", I said falling back into Zayn's lap. "Well, I am going to change!", Bree said as she headed up the stairs in the flat, Louis followed her up. I sighed, 'Why did they have to tell the world?', I wondered. I looked at the clock, it was 11 o'clock and the time change was killing me. Damn you, London. "Well I am going to bed, I call one of the guest beds in Zayn's flat!" I replied. "OK, I will go back with you!", Zayn popped up. I nodded and said 'good might' to everyone. I walked out the door with Zayn close behind.     


"Hey Liam, can Harry and Emmy stay with us tonight? So they don't have to be in the same suite as the love birds!", I asked, winking at Emily. Emily turned to me and mouthed back a 'thank you'. "Sure, I don't see any harm!'", Liam replied, "Thank You!", Emily and Harry replied in unison. Just then I saw Bree and Louis walk down the stairs. "Well we should get going.", I said looking the my three room-mates. We all got up and showed ourselves to the door saying 'good night' to Bree, Louis and Stephanie.    


 Every one except for me and Niall left. "Where is Harry and Emily?", Bree asked curiously. "They decided that it would be better for then to spend a few days with Liam and Czesia.", I said, "Do you want me and Niall to leave?" "No, stay for a few!", Bree said. "Speaking of Niall, where is our leprechaun?", Louis asked. "He's raiding your fridge!", I said, causing him to laugh uncontrollably. "It's a good thing Bree and I ran to the store yesterday!", Louis laughed. We have been back in London for a week. We all got permission from our parents to stay for the next two weeks, then return to complete our studies for until the summer. Bree got permission from her parents and the school to stay and finish her work, the she asked for a transfer to Oxford or Cambridge so she can continue her studies, the college agreed so she is getting the necessary paper work sent over.  "Oi! Lou! I raided your fridge!", Niall announced, "Where did everyone go?" "Niall, honey, it is 11:30, they left!", I announced. "Oh, we should get going then!", Niall  said. "You can stay longer if you want!", Bree said. "No, I don't want us to be intruding on your life any longer.", Niall said, "Let's go back to my place, Steph!" I blushed. "Well good night!", I said as I walked out the door.  


"Well I believe that your house is quite the hang out spot for the guys!", I said. I will have to get dressed or put on a robe every time I go down stairs!, I continued, yawning. "Babe, you look exhausted, let's go up stairs.", Louis replied. As I released another yawn, I felt myself being picked up and carried up the stairs. "Put, me down! Louis! Pet me down!", I screamed suddenly awake. As he put me down I ran over to the dresser when my clothes were and quickly changed. I turned on the TV and began to watch some late night comedy show that was really good. About 30 minutes later I fell asleep, Louis snoring softly beside me. 

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