How We Meet

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"So, how did you meet CaRtOoNz and Delirious?" Ohm asked me, it was about 4:30 am and we had been playing games all night, but Luke and John had left so now it was just us. "We meet in high school" I said. "Yeah, but like how? I know you guys meet in school." He said. "OK" I said...

I walked into the school after waving to my mom and grandma from the side walk. I took a deep breath and pushed the doors open. It was only my second day here and I was already having a bad time."Hey miss Sooto" a friendly voice said, I look over and saw my sicence teacher, a very skinny nerdy guy with glasses, and probably the only one of my teachers that I liked. I smiled and waved at him. I walked into my first period and took a seat, in first period I had reading, which wasn't so bad. Second period is where my hell would start. A worksheet was passed out luckily it was on a story I had read many times before, 'Romero and Juliet'
"Just fill it out to your best ability, miss Sooto" the teacher said. I looked up at her and nooded. I finished the worksheet in 5 minutes and took it up to the tray where she collects this periods work. "Finished already?" She asked me surprised, "yeah, I really like this story and have read every version a dozen times, along with the movies." I said, kinda sheepishly. "It's one of my favorites too!"she said to me I smiled
The period ended all too soon, and I sulked to second period. It was actually a pretty decent day because Thomas Adams was not there. He's taking to picking on me of all people and even though it's only been a couple of days since I started school, it was hell.

      * Le time skip five days*
I walked into second period dreading my existence.
"Well, look who it is!" Thomas said as if he was surprised I was here
"Yeah, everyday cause this is my second period. 8:30 to 9:12." I said walking in to take my seat. "Haha, yeah, my favorite period"he said devilishly. I frowned. "Anyways fatty, what did you do last night? Oh, wait! I know, eat, and then eat and then eat some more?" His girlfriend, Sarah, grinned and giggled. "Wow, Tommy, that, was kinda lame, I expect a bit more out of you..." He scoffed at me, called me a bitch and then the bell rang, signaling the start of class. All throught out the class he kept making fun of everything, my weight, my hair, my glasses, how I walked, how I talked. "You'll never grow up to mount to anything, just like all the other ones." There was a hint if something in that comment. I looked up and back at him, almost already knowing what he mean. "'All the others' who?" I asked, "All the other ni**ers." My eyes grew wide as I looked back at him, then to the teacher who was acting like she wasn't paying attention, but just the I turned back to look at him and saw another guy standing infront of him to his right, dude drew a frist and decked him, straight in the mouth. A small smile spread across my face, that when the teacher started to pay attention. "LUKAS PATTERSON AND LILLIAN SOOTO, TO THE OFFICE NOW! And Tommy, dear, run down to the nurses office, qwickly!" She said sweetly to Tommy, and then got up and walked over to the room phone, assuming to call the office. I was shocked,
She sent us, instead of him? What!?
I thought to my self. I just packed up my things, and went to the office.
We sat in the waiting room of the office for what feelt like forever, we were both silent. I had to thank him tho, had to. I turned slowly to him he was just sitting there, spaced out. "Hey..." I said quietly, he looked at me questioningly, "I don't know what made you do it, but thanks." I said, then smiled. "I REALLY don't like that word." He said, "I know you don't either." He said, I sorta scoffed and nodded my head "But really tho. Thank you." I said, he smiled at me, "your welcome, I'm Luke."he held out his hand, I took it, "Lilly" I said.
|end of flashback|
"He introduced me to Mark the next day and then John a fee days after that." "Wow" Ohm said taking in my story, "Did you guys get introuble?" "You know what, to be completely honest with you, I don't remeber." I chuckled. "And you guys have been friends ever since." "Yupp! He's like the brother I really wanted, then got, but then regretted dearly and wanted him returned, but everytime I went to something happened and I couldn't." Ohm and I both laughed at this. Then I yawned. "Whelp good night Lil, try and actually sleep tonight!" I smiled "yeah, hopefully! Night Ry",I said, a beep signaling the call had ended sounded and I pushed up load on a video that I already had ready to go. I got up stretched and headed to bed.

I forgot to mention, in thefirst chapter and the intro, I'm changing around the ages and maybe the times of things that happened. I hope you are enjoying and leave a comment if ya want! If you have something specific you would like to happen in the story, leave me a comment, and I'll see what I think about it!

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