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I quickly set up Trees' tank in a random corner so he could stay warm.
Tho my house was cold, it looked very warm, a little 3 bedroom 2 bath, the kichen and living room was one big room.
When you step in the front door you step into the living room/ kitchen, the only other room there is I'd down a small hallway at the end of it is the bathroom. To the left is the hallwat with 3 doors down it, two on the right and one on the left, the master, for all the bigger the bathroom is the tub is huge, and I love it.
"They really left the keurig here." Luke said in disbelief I chuckled at him, I could tell by looking at it, it was one of the expensive ones. One that Luke would probably pay a ridiculous amount of money for.  The first thing I did was plug my blue tooth speakers in and plyed some music, I listened to just about everything nd every now and the I would get a look. From one of the boys when a song came on. We rearranged things and unpacked for a couple of hours then Luke got a call and needed to go somewhere. I told him I'd take John home and he chuckled at me, "you and I, and he as well, know damn well he'll be staying here tonight." I blushed abit cause I definately didn't plan on taking him home.
I hugged Luke againas he walked out the door, when he got in his truck I waved again the shut an liked the door. I then went over to Trees' enclosure and cheecked the temperature and humidity and what not, it was still a little cool and he was at the warm side of his tank so I turned up his heating pad a bit.
As I went to turn around I bumped into someone, I smiled and looked down to the arms now wrapping around my waist.
"Were alone now" he said deeply into my ear "mhmm" I hummed I eiggked to turn around in his arms to look at him. I wrapped my arms around his neck, with out hesitation he leaned down and I stood up on my toes, closing the gap for a kiss.
I tangled my hands in to his dark brown slightly curly hair and he squeezed me tighter to him. He ran his tounge along my bottom lip but I wanted to tease him a bit so I kept my mouth closed, he ran one of his hands up to my hair and gently pulled NY head back and started to keiss my neck. I moaned slightly this and left him suck on my neck a bit. He gave me a hicky and when he was done he pulled me into another tight hug.
"God I missed you" he said I nodded and squeezed him tightly. Just then through the speakers came one of my favorite songs,
Summer of '69 by Bryan Addams

II giggled and pulled apart from John so I could turn up the music.
"Alright let's finish this." He said "yeah" I said. I hummed along to the music as I stated to upcack dishes. I finished that and look over to the doo where beside it was my computer desk, screens and such. I sighed, time to set it up.
I sang the songs that played through the speaker from my phone as Johnathan helped me set up my computer.
"Moment of truth" I said as I pushed the power button on the tower. I smiled and huffrd a sigh if relif when my computer booted up with no problems at all.
I started to unpack my clothes when I came across the box labled 'John'
"Oh, yeah, when I was going through my things I found a bunch of your clothes." "Really?" "Yeah" I said, picking up the box and bringing it to John, he was checking through my computer setting the double screens back up and such.
"Hey, you used this shirt to wipe cum off you once" he said with a slight chuckle I jerked my head uo from the box I was rooting through, and snapped it to him, he was holding up a black t-with some red design on it, "nu-huh" I said shaking my head, embarrassed as hell, "yes huh" he said, I blushed hard, and shook my head again "you're mistaken" "no, it was just after you moved in with Alisha, I drove all that way just to help you unpack" I was blushing so hard at this point my were hot "kinda like now" he said he got up from the computer and walked over to me, silently i prayed that that night would repeat it's self.

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