Getting There

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It's early Sunday evening and I'm just about to my new house, Johnathan and Luke were meeting me there and I couldn't be happier to see them. Even tho it was a comfortable 65°F out side I had the windows up blaring the heater because when you have a pet snake you are not allowed to enjoy nice weather. I needed to keep him at a decent temperature to try and cause him as little stress as possible. I had been driving about three hours and was only 20 minutes away from my new house, at a stop light, I pulled open the container lid and pulled a sleeping Trees out. I examined him quickly before putting him down into my bra and open the windows and turned off the heater, he was warm and didn't appear to be too botherd by anything wich is a great sign.

(Sorry if you don't like snakes, but I thought I'd write about an animal I don't often see in stories. Also snake picture warning.)

Trees is an emrald tree boa, he's pretty docile despite what the breeder I got him from told me

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Trees is an emrald tree boa, he's pretty docile despite what the breeder I got him from told me. He's very friendly and I actually took him to a small animal expo near my old house in Va and he was a hit,he's getting pretty long tho and likes to wrap around my neck sometimes, but honestly other than that, I think he might be a cat trapped in a snakes body.
I called John and told him I was about 10 minutes away and he told me him and Luke were already there. So close yet, so far.
Finally after the longest 10 minutes of my life, I was pulling into my new drive way, beside Lukes truck, him and John must have come here together cause John SUV was nowhere insight. I rolled up the windows, turned off my car, and then pulled Trees out of my bra, I planned hugging the boys and didn't want him to get smushed. I opned my car door to Del and immediately threw my left arm around his neck I had Trees wrapped around my right one. I then turned to Luke and hugged him as well.
"You told us it was nice, but I didn't belive with the price." Luke said with a wink. I smiled ay him I told them what I wanted out of the back seat and they each grabbed something, I walk over to the door and unlocked it, a cold breeze came out of the house. "Ooh!" I said a bit startled by how cold it was, I couldent take Trees in there. "You good?" Luke asked from behind me, "it's really cold in there, I don't wanna take Trees in." "Where is his cage?" John asked me, "trunk" I said, "I'll take these in and then help you get it." "Ok", I said with a smile.

Finally (an H2o Delirious fanfiction) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now