Face Reveal!?

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|end of Le flashback|
"Yeah it was, thanks babe, now I'm all hot a botherd and no one is here to help me." I pouted
"I can be there in ten minutes" he said, "as much as I would love that, I have work to do, and I'm sure you do too"
He huffed "you never want us to have any fun" "oh, yeah I know, make me the bad guy" I giggled. I pulled into my driveway and sat in my car while I was talking to John we talked for about fifteen minutes. But I got distracted when I looked down at my gas gauge
"Oh shit..."
"Huh? What's up beanie baby?"
He's called me that since we we're kids.
"I need gas"
"You need me to bring you some?"
"Oh! No, I'm home, I just happened to look at it."
"Oh, well, are you really gonna do a face reveal?"
"Yeah, I think I am... "
"Did you have a particular way you wanted to do it?"
He asked me
"I hadn't really thought about it till now. I mean I don't just wanna be like, 'here's my face' ya know? I want it to be kinda special, and funny."
"I have and idea. Wanna hear?"
(Del's idea is a surprise)
"Oh, my God yes!"
| Le time skip |
Del's plan needed me and toonz so Del explained it to home as well, we were both on board now, we played a game called 'more than just a butt game' and it was everything but a butt game.
*the next evening (Feb 20th)*
I was in walk mart looking at cameras, but the one I wanted was out of stock, so I'm going to best buy, so I can pay out the ass for a camera that I'm probably gonna use three times. But at any rate I'm going in the store now I find the camera, and to my honest surprise they are on sale, '$150.00 of!', the big neon orange sign says, I tell a worker they get it for me and I'm on my way back to the house. I stop at the craft store because I need a little jar for Trees sheeded skin, I don't normally save them but this one is literally one piece and it looks super cool, his eye caps and every thing are on it and I want to keep this one. Also while I'm in this shopping mall and thinking about I need to hop over to the pet food store and get some more mice for him, I find  a little pack of of jar, they look like a nice size so I grab those, pay,  put them in the car and then run into the pet store, there are lots of dogs in here today and honestly I'm having a great time. A golden retriever just walked up to me and sat down, "oh my God, Lilly" the owner says my eyes go wide, does this person know me?  "Oh" he says, "that's her name"
"Oh!" I say, and giggle "that's my name, I was trying to figure out how I knew you"
"Oh, well, Lilly, meet Lilly!" I bend down and pet the dogs, and oh my God I'm in love. I thank the man for letting md pet her and then make my way back to where they keep the frozen reptile food. I don't need many, I have two in the freezer at home so I get eight more. He eats two medium size mice, he's won't eat jumbo ones and I don't know why. He funny I tell the worker what I want and he gets them for me, I pay and the go over to look at the fish. I love fish, I would to have, like a million gallon tank to put fish in.
Just then I hear behind me
"Hey boy, look who it is!" I turn around to se John and his dog Rocky, I smile brightly "hey!" I meet them half way Rocky is super excited, I pet him for a minute before I get up and hug and kiss Del, "hey baby" he says with a smile, "you look nice" with a small squeeze to my ass "Hey!" He smiles at me and kisses my nose,
(Wearing this but with out the cardigan)

Just then I hear behind me "Hey boy, look who it is!" I turn around to se John and his dog Rocky, I smile brightly "hey!" I meet them half way Rocky is super excited, I pet him for a minute before I get up and hug and kiss Del, "hey baby" he says ...

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"I got the camera!" I said rembering our plan, "did you?" " yeah!" I walk with John and Rocky to the dig food I take Rocky, while john picks up and bigger bag of dog food "I want to get him a toy and some treats, will you go pick out a toy with home while I get a cart?" Del asks me, "yeah I got him" "thanks be be" he says, a shortened version of the nickname he gave me. I walk with Rocky to dog toys "what about this one?" I ask him, showing home a brightly colored rioe toy, he looks at it then looks away. "Alright, bit rude." I say to him, I pick up a donut toy, "this one?" I ask, he sniffs it for a few seconds, but ultimately he decides he doesn't want it. But the I see it, a little Teddy bear, a blue bow on his neck. I reach for it "this one?" He sniffs it and takes it, "that's what I thought, your just like ya fatha" I say in a weird accent, a guy and a girl laugh behind me, I blush and wave to them as I walk away, they wave back "come on, Rocky!" I say, tuging at his leash a bit, he walks beside me with his new toy, as I walk with him to the treats we meet John in the middle of the store
"Awe, look at that!"  John says as Rocky walks up to him Rocky hands Del the Teddy bear and then Del pets Rockys head, I walk with Rocky and Del to the check out counters and Del pays for their stuff. John and Rocky walk with me to my car and I show John the camera, "how much was it?" I put my hand up to him, "but-" "nu-huh" I say cutting him off, "I have to pay you back!" "Nope!" "Lil,come on, *huff* alright, how do you want me to repay you?" I pretend I'm not listening to him and that I'm infatuated with the peeling skin around my newest tattoo (a collection of various triangles)
He pushes my arms down and pulls my face up to his, "baby" he murmurs, "alright, be at my house at 8:00" he smiles, "alright" he kisses me and hands me back the camera, and I hand him Rocky.

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