Hosptial Trip

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(Trigger Warning: blood, I'll put another right before I talk about it.)

You know how when you first move into a new house,everythings kinda...wonky? Like there's a little owl that flies right up to the back porch,and when I saw it, it was super cool,it stayed a few minutes,hooted a few times, then flew away, however,it cane back at about 2:00 am woke me right the hell up,terrifed. And today at about 1:30 every fucking smoke detector lost battery at the same time, not like one,then another, then another,all at the same time, so I quickly ran out and bought a bunch of batteries, and other boring house hold things,like lysol wipes, light bulbs,and stuff of the sort. I'm now getting ready for bed, it's about 10:40 I'm brushing my teeth and I just can't sit still fir some reason, so I spit and walk out of my room,still brushing,and walk over to Trees' tank,he's getting ready to shed,and hasn't eaten in a few days,this is extremly common,but I still worry,I look at him for a second and then the light in the kitchen flickers,I hear a quiet popping sound and the light goes out. Oh great.
I think to myself, light bulb blew.
So I go back in to the bathroom, finish brushing my teeth,then walk into the kitchen. I look up to the light, it's not high, but to high for me to get to just standing on my toes. I walk in the broomcloset/pantry and pull out the two single step step stools,I place them stacked one on top the other near the light then walk back to the closet and pull out the box of light bulbs
Huh,good thing I bought these.
I open them up and take one out,then stand on the stacked stools,I've done this a hundred times and have never fallen off, but, today is not my day. I'm carefully unscrewing the light, when that damn owl flies DIRECTLY into the fucking window it scared me,I squeezed onto the light bulb, it shatters, but I'm still moving my hand,cause I haven'trelized it broke yet,a jagged piece of the light bulb cuts into my thumb and that's when I start paying attention again,
It sliced deep into my thumb and when I jerk my hand away from the ceiling, I loose my balance and topple backwards off the stools, mind you,there is now tiny pieces of glass all over me and the floor, (trigger) and now,my thumb is gushing blood,like every where.
OK,calm down, first things first try to get back up with out cutting myself again.
I get up fine,but mu butt is throbbing from the fall, I run over to the sink and try to assess my thumb, it's still gushing, and I can't get it to stop long enough for me to look at,I sigh and wrap a dish towel around my thumb and am almost out the door to go to the hosptial,when I rember,I don't have clothes on,just my bra and under ware, I then run into the beroom change out of that pair and into a different pair throw on some black shorts, a white t shirt, getting blood all over, and struggle to put on socks and shoes, then grab my phone from the charger, my keys, and then run out the door to my car. I get to the hospital tell them what happened sign in and within just a few seconds a nurse comes to get me to look at my thumb. While I'm in the room I open up Twitter from the app on my phone and type
"Y'all, I'm so fucking done lol"
Of course in just a few seconds of posting I get comments asking what's wrong and if I'm OK. I tweet
"Nothing serious but in the hospital."
But before I can put any thing else,a nurse comes in to look at my thumb,
"Wow,got yourself good huh? Cutting vegetables?" She asks I tell her 'no' then explain the story to her. She giggles, "Damn owls", "Yeah,tell me about it" she put four stitches in my thumb, the cut is in a cresent moon shape going from my knuckle to my nail. "Keep it clean,dry and coverd for the first 48 hours, then remove the bandage wash it good, put some neosporn on it cover it,repeat, you'll probably want to leave those in for 10-14 days" I nod at her, tell her thanks, and the head out to the front desk to check out. As I'm walking out, I hear a familiar voice, I look o er and see a small child maybe 10 or so, and see that he's watching one of Ohm's rainbow six videos with me and Luke in it. I smile and think about going over to talk to him, but he wouldn't know that it was me. Maybe it's time for that face reveal.
I go out to my car and get, and lock the doors, tumblr has me paranoid as hell. I then remember that twitter has no idea what's going on, I post again saying I'm fine, then post a picture of my bandaged thumb.
I post:

"I hate owls (thread)"
I tell my tale of woe, and then I drive home, make sure the doors are locked in both my car and then house, I walk in to the kitchen with my shoes on to get a drink, every now and then a little crunch under my feet from the glass, I contemplate cleaning the mess, but I'm really just too tired. I take off my shoes where the area rug in the living room meets the kitchen, and then head to bed. As I'm laying there I think about that kid from the hospital. I open up twitter
"How would you guys feel about a face reval?"
I don't look at the responses. I'll give it a few days and then cheeck.

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