I woke up on a table. That was different. I didn't usually wake up on tables. For the last few years I had woken up in a soft king size bed next to... Damn. I had died again. I do that sometimes. And when I do I end up doing this. Wait... Let me start again.

I live inside stories. I wake up in the world of some book I've read, live my life and die... and come back in the next one. I always look different too. My skin tone changes, so does my height, my eyes, my age, my sex... And I always have a bag, usually a backback. That changes as well. Its contense, however, are always the same. Little things from previous stories, like pictures, a pocketwatch, or a flask, and a copy of the story I am in.

I opened my eyes. My body ached all over. And I was definitely a guy this time. Those things ached too.

There was a woman standing over me, blonde, in a tattered, but clean, grey dress. She was dabbing a wet clothe too my forehead. Water. My mouth and throat were parched.

"Prim!" The woman yelled, or tried to yell. Her voice was soft, quiet. "He's awake."

A young girl appeared, standing over me. She she was around ten or eleven and had light blond hair, like her mom's. Prim... Prim... Who is she? Where was I? I should know.

The girl was holding a wet clothe. She held it over my open mouth and twisted, squeezing cold drops of water out and down onto my tongue. When all of the water was squeezed out she took out another clothe.

After a few minutes I sat up, my thirst not quenched, but my mouth no longer dry. The room was small. Little bottles of ointments and a few strings of different herbs smattered a shelves. In the corner a battered old yellow tom lay, sleeping in a beam of sunlight. The girl's mother was in the corner, cooking something on the stove.

"Who are you?" the girl asked, her voice hushed.

"My name is Eryn, Eryn Gaunt." My voice is deeper than I'm used to. It's going to take some time getting used to being a boy again. I smiled at the girl. "And you must be Prim."

Prim nodded. "It's short for Primrose." She explained, "My sister says that's because I'm pretty as a flower."

Primrose. I was getting closer. It had been lifetimes since I read whatever book I'm in, and I didn't have my bag.

"And what's your sister's name?" I inquired, 'Another flower."

"No," Prim replied, "Her name is Katniss." And it clicked. 

"Katniss?" I asked, making sure now, "Katniss Everdeen?"

Prim nodded again. "Do you know her?"

I didn't of course, but it would be weird to know her name but not know her. Better change the subject.

"Does that mean I'm in Dis- the Seam?" That was close. I almost said District Twelve. That wouldn't have been good. I don't know how I remember little things, like how that part of the district is called the Seam. They just sort of pop into my head.

Prim nodded again. She was nodding a lot."Yeah, in my mother's shop."

That's right. Prim and her mother were healers. And at the end if the third book... Well that hadn't happened yet. I needed to get my bearings.

"Did I have a bag with me when you found me?"

"Yeah. It's over there." Prim replied, pointing towards a little grey backpack on the ground.

I pushed myself off the table and over to my bag. It was light grey and made of layers of heavy burlap. Inside were my things. I pulled out a little picture. A face smiled back at me. Cropped purple-blue hair, piercing blue-grey eyes, and a smile that made my heart dance. Snow and I had been going out before, when my life was normal.

I smiled and put the picture back. I didn't know if I'd ever see Snow again. I still don't know if I'm getting back.

There were a few other nick-nacks in there. A seeing stone, a bottle of salt water labeled for vampires, and some other things. There were a few things missing actually. That happened sometimes. However there were two new items. A golden ticket, and a book: Hunger Games.


To whoever is reading this. Hi! My name is Eryn. Please feel free to comment, and critique. Vote if you like It, don't if you don't. I should be updating weekly, but no promises. Have a great day!

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