A tall boy in his late teens walked up on stage. He had straight black hair, olive skin, and grey eyes. Gale's face was stone solid, an unmoving granite wall of stoic defeat. Beside me Katniss had the same expression, although, I could see the tears welling behind her eyes. 

Effie smiled and complemented Gale, and then asked for volunteers. I raised my hand. I was already planning on doing it. I wasn't afraid of death, for it wasn't permanent for me as it is for others, but now. The only reason Gale had been picked was because I was here. I had changed things. The simple act of me existing in this universe had caused Effie trinket to pick a different slip.

"I volunteer as tribute!" I shouted. Everybody turned to me as I started walking towards the stage. The only sounds in the square were my footfalls. When I arrived on stage I gave Gale a little nod. He nodded back, almost imperceptibly and he started to make his way back down into the crowd. It was only once he was facing the stage again that his facade began to crack. 

The manically smiling Effie addressed me then.

"What a spectacular surprise!" she exclaimed. Now that I was closer I could see the layers of makeup caked onto her face, her perfume was so pungent I could practically taste it. "And what is your name?"

"Eryn Gaunt" I said plainly, my voice booming over the speakers throughout the square.

"Well!" Effie beamed, "Let's get a round of applause for Eryn!"

One man on the sidelines slapped his hands together a few times, but everybody else was chillingly quiet. I got a nod from Katniss and a nod from Gale, but nothing from the rest of the crowd. Just silence.

Emmily and I were ushered back and the mayor stepped forward again. He began reading dully about something called the Treaty of Treason, but I wasn't not paying attention. I was scanning the crowd of teens around Katniss until I found him. A stocky blond haired boy with blue eyes. Our eyes locked for a moment, longer than a moment, and I knew. That was him. Peeta Mellark.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2019 ⏰

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