Chapter 2

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Macks pov
Mack was sitting on her desk in the middle of class when the teaches let out a huge sigh and stared at her.

"Hey mister bug eyes got an issue?" She asked giving the same evil glare he was giving her.

"Mack , Mack stop!" Whisper/ yelled Layla while nudging her friend to stop.

"Uh huh yeah sweets." Mack says while putting her hand to Layla's face .

"MACK I SAID STOP!" Layla yells at her friend.

Mack slowly turns her head to fully look at Layla .

"Now lady's calm do-." The teacher tries to talk .

"You wanna say that again Layla ?" Mack asked with rage in her voice .

"I'm so sick and tired of you and this bull crap !! All you do is talk crap and act like you own the place and I'm sick of it !!" She yells at Mack getting out of her seat.

" oh ok so I'm supposed to sit around letting you get beat up cause you can't fight for yourself ? Want me to stand back and let the teachers hear about the rumors about you ? Huh? Yeah that's right mr. Faretella knows about the name calling the rumors the freaking rumor about you paying to football team to sleep with you ? Huh? Yeah the whole school nows but hell did you know they new ? No cause I was doing my job being your best friend protecting you unlike you ever have to me !!!" Mack yells getting mad and very  upset with Layla .

"Mack look I'm sorry-" Layla says with tears in her eyes.

"No you look Layla." She says putting her finger in front of Layla's face ." Yeah I know that you knew about my mother giving me to my grandparents yeah I know you told cole I liked him in 8th grade, yes I know YOU JUST STOOD BY WHILE I GOT PUSHED INTO LOCKERS AND TOLD HORRIBLE THINGS. Look how oh how the tables turned but I didn't leave you to get beat up !! I helped you ! James hasn't laid a hand on you in days ! Cause of me Layla !!" She looks at Layla looking around the class with eyes asking if it's all true . Everyone nods .

"Mack..-" she tries to say once again but with no luck .

"Don't you Mack me." She said getting up and walking out of class .

The bell ring but Layla didn't move she was in tears knowing how wrong she's been to her friend . Mack is walking down the hall with tears running down her face . "Aww is de little baby crying?" Says James behind her she lost it . She tries around so fast not even warning James he pushes him and punches him in the jaw and screams at him to never lay a hand on Layla or call her anything again . She leaves him there stunned while crying she runs out of the school. Just like a classic teen movie it staining outside .

~Break ~
Hey everyone if you don't understand the brake thing is like another piece of her heart broken . Hope you liked it !! Byeee everyone and if you watch the good doctor and 9-1-1 I love u !!!! Don't miss good doctor tonight if u do !! Love you all 💞💓💖💓💖

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