Chapter 3

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Coles POV
"Your such a jerk I can't believe I ever trusted you !!ugh! " shouted Lola at Cole at loud as she could while getting up and to the door.

"Heh bye." Cole says in a very flat out way like he didn't even care one bit about each tee still going down her face .

".. I loved you Cole ..." she says with tears opening the door looking back at Cole .

"Feelings not mutual ." Cole says with a shrug and a grin the devil himself would've .

With that she sobs in tears and runs out the house in nothing but tears .

"Eh whatever seen better heck done better ." Cole says while getting his phone out of his jeans pocket and starts to text James .

C: ayyy  what's up ?
J: just got beat up by you chick !
C: mhm be specific which one ?
J: dat Mack girl ran outta school crying I was supper surprised heh weird right.
Read 3:25

Cole sighs and slides down his couch onto the floor then stand up and walks to the door get out and locks it behind him. He's walking until he thinks more about her and starts running to the school faster then he ever has . He got weird glares but he could care less .

He's running until he bumps into someone and stumbles backwards but the other person has no such luck , they fall to the floor with a smack . Cole hears the person groan . He's about to start running again but then he hears her voice .

"What the hell !?! " the voice pretty much shouts catching everyone's attention instantly.

"Hey Mack calm down its me." He says while putting his hand out making Mack look up and give him a weird look.

"That's the issue get the hell away from me." Mack says while smacking his hand and getting up running off her hands and walking off .

He looks down at his feet and starts kicking rocks while walking to James house. Soon he arrives and knocks at the door .

"Ay ma I got it get back in the shower for the love of god !!!!" Cole hears from the other side of the wooden door .

"Heeey my homie wattup ? " James asked but only got nudged in the shoulder by Cole while he walks in and plops himself on James couch . While sighing .

"She hates me James ." Cole says with a sight and closing this eyes shut.
~Break ~

Hello everyone hope you enjoyed please comment vote and mantle follow me? Heh byeeee everyone 💓💓💓💞

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