Chapter 3

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                              14 years ago

September 1st Severus was so nervous to go to Hogwarts, little did he know he wasn't the only 11 year old afraid for Hogwarts for a young Susan was also numbley terrified. When they arrived at Hogwarts the deputy Armando dippet pulled out a scroll for the "sorting ceremony" he name a couple different student then he came to "Susan beauachamp" he said immediately recognizing her name.

When she walked up it was almost as if someone had brought angel down from heaven thought Severus.The hat was place on her head and immediately spat out SLYTHERIN! which no one excepted. My name was called next and with in seconds the hat again spat out SLYTHERIN!! I sat down right next to her. " hi my name is Susan" " hi my name is severus."
Present day

    "Pumpkin it's time to get up if you wanna ride the train" Susan yelled to her daughter from the other room and it was like a heard of stampeding cows, Bella sprung out of bed got dressed and was waiting at the door with in two shakes of a snowy owls tale feathers. "Now now aren't you going to say goodbye because you won't see them for two months" Bella ran as fast as she could to hug all of her relatives and off the snapes popped to kings cross.

     Bella said goodbye to her parents but as she was about to get on the train she turned around. She ran back and jumped into her fathers arms, with some people staring at not so nice potions master. "What if they don't like me, what if their mean to me" she blatted out, severus sighed and laughed " no one is going to make fun of you pumpkin because you are a snape and you have more relatives and loved ones in that school  then anyone, and if anyone mistreats you, you come and tell me or grandpa albus or grandma mini okay." Bella nodded hugged both of her parents one last time and got on the train.

      Bella walked around the train trying to find somewhere to sit when she came across a taller black hair boy, she knew this boy. "Marcy!" She called as flung into his arms and sat down in the seat. " hey bell how was your  summer" " good how was the last meeting, I had the flu" Marc Carriowin was the son of mr and mrs carrowin deatheaters half way up the dark lords food chain. Marc spoke ignoring her previous question " hey I keep meanin to ask you how long you have been going to the meetings?" Marc just started going with his parents this year.

      "I've been going since I was 6 years old, it was definitely what one would call a memorable time in the sense of my father was the play thing that evening, but I stopped the dark lord my grandpa albus said that night I struck nerve." Marc looked at her intently she was gorgeous he knew what she was saying was important but  he did not want her to move cause in that moment he knew deep down that she was his and he was hers , he will figure it out eventually.

     After what seem to take ages Bella and Marc arrived at Hogwarts. When they got off the train they were greeted by a tall scruffy man she had come to know as Hagrid, " oh well heller their miss.snape look at how grown up you got" he said with a bright smile on his face. The three of them walked along the path to the boats " reckon you haven't seen this part of the firs day have ya bell" Bella had been to Hogwarts every year on first day so when it was time for her first day she was excited,Even if she didn't know about the boats.

     They arrived inside and walked up the stairs where she was met by her grandma mini although she was told in public now to call her professor. She along with her peers were brought into the great hall where tables for the houses were filled with returning students and then their was the staff table where my father and my grandpa albus and many others were sitting. The sorting ceremony started, mini went through a couple of the names and then came to Marc. "Marc  carrowin" he went up and sat down on the stool " oooh very interest the first one yet...... better be SLYTHERIN!"

     As my grandma mini calls my name I stand as every eye in the room stares at me. " who do we have here, a snape but also a beuchamp very interesting, the qualities of all four houses but where to put you I know.......SLYTHERIN!" I jump out of my seat and run to Marc their could not be a more pleased look on my face. When we went back to my dormitory I get an owl from my mother and father that read.

   Dear Bella,
Mommy and daddy are so proud of you have fun! Go see your father after breakfast tomorrow morning. Aunties and uncle and grandma are all very proud as well.
Love your parents ,

  Bella was thrilled to hear from her mother and father even if her father was just down the hall and she had seen her mother this morning.
Bella woke up to a new scene forgetting where she was for the moment but remembering where she had arrived to after a few moments, this was home.

Look at her all grown up my little pumpkin.... and who's that she's with? Severus sat puzzled about who his daughter was practically latched onto, when he heard her name called for the sorting hat. Then heard the hat yell slytherin he could not have been more pleased, Severus leaned over to Minerva " who was that boy Bella is sitting next to?" " that's Marc carrowin." Then everything made sense to Severus, that's the carrowin boy the dark lord killed his parents at the last meeting, Severus's face looked as though deep in thought (which he was) which worried Minerva.

          " Severus is everything alright?" " yes everything is fine it's just that boy- that boy is an orphan now the dark lord killed his parents nearly a month ago" and with this Minerva winced. "Do you think albus would allow him to come to my home for holidays and the summer, I have a feeling Bella is already ahead of me on this I'm afraid" Minerva nodded and smiled at the thought, also at the thought of how far Severus had come once a lonely slytherin boy to a Hated "mean" potions master during the day but a loved  and amazing father and husband all the time.  She was proud to call him her son.

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