Falling Down

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"I really think you should forget about double-tongue. He knows you like him already ,but he does nothing about it." Dave got in front of me and looked down at me. He wouldn't get it,would he? I liked Sollux for so long that I have to tell him I like him myself and I just have to find a way to fill this hole in my chest. Dave is my best friend ,but sometimes he just irks my chain! John and Jade were behind us ,but are too distracted by the movie section next to them.

Dave knocked me out of my train of thought by shaking his milkshake in front of my face. " You want any? You seem abit more out of it than usual." I took the drink and hopped onto the counter while sipping. Dave was weird and had this Vanilla Strawberry milkshake for some reason. I find it abit ironic how he says it's not because of the colors ,but it's more of the flavor yet he hates Strawberry alone. I turned to Dave who had his mouth ready to say something til we heard a raspy laugh. He just sighed then looked at the Criminal Section of Movies.

"What do you want,Terezi?", he said very monotone and almost impatient. A girl black short hair that was so nice cut straight into her haircut that it seemed almost fake,but also real. She wore red glass that were pointy at the ends away from her nose,where it rounded in. She dressed almost tomboy-ish. Loose sweatshirt and jeans with sneakers. Next to her was Karkat, he was in my World History class. He has black hair that was short and messy because he's too angry always to fix it. He wore a grey sweatshirt and wore grey jeans with sneakers like Terezi. Those two have been going out since they were younger ,but Karkat gets jealous of Dave's and Terezi's good friend relationship.

"How much for this movie,Dave?" She came up the counter I was sitting on and handed me the case. I moved over a bit and I swiped the case's bar code on the scanner that was under me. Dave raised his eyebrow at me then chuckled abit. I put the case in the air and was gonna smack him with it til I saw a certain hacker walk in. Sollux looked around and saw me with the case. I turned pink on the spot then fell off the counter sideways. Sollux rushed over,pushed Dave who was staring in shock, and grabbed me before hitting the ground.

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