Mike° Re-united

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Summary; You are Mike's best girl friend. You've known the boys almost all of your life, you were also there when Eleven appeared, now that she was gone it was hard to make your best friend happy. You slowly built Mike back up when she left. Now she's back.

(Scene where Mike and El return, Setting- Will Byers House.)


I stood behind Steve scared out of my mind. We could hear a Demo-dog. Nancy had a shot gun out and Hopper looked like he was ready to fight anything. My eyes turned to my right to see Mike holding a candle stick for protection.

My heart was racing so fast. I gulped and everyone examined the moving chain off the door, it slid right off. The door swung open and she stepped in, it was El. She looked different.

Her hair was slicked back, she was all in black and had some dark eyeliner smudged under her eyes. I felt as Mike shoved past me lightly and made his way over to her. My eyes examining as they hugged and smiled with happiness, I blinked lightly and wished he'd loved me like that.

It's always bad to fall for your best friend...

"I never gave up on you-" Mike spoke, I choked a little in the inside and just distracted myself.

Once I greeted El, and everyone else did the same they stayed in the living room to come up with a plan... And what did I do? I just made my way out the front door and sat on the porch swings.

I needed air... I heard as they talked about the up-coming plan that they just created, my legs swinging back and forth. I stood up and clenched my jaw, It didn't matter to me that I was in danger, it's not like the demo-dogs were after me... I inhaled and then exhaled, I don't think they even noticed I was gone. I don't think Mike even cared...

I decided to start walking home. Luckily I didn't live too far. I headed to my room and just jumped into bed, my eyes were already red from crying on the way home.

Mike POV

We sorted out the plan. I said goodbye to El as she left with Hopper. Nancy, Jonathan and Mrs Byers took Will so it was just us.

"Wait, Where's Y/N?" Steve mentioned as he placed the cloth over his shoulder, I looked around and so did the guys and Max.

"I don't know, I thought she was with you Steve?" I spoke. Steve raised his brow.

"Not after you shoved her out of the way." Steve responded, I raised my brow and was confused.

"Come on let's find her dip shits. If her butt isn't found in the next 10 minutes all your asses are grass." Steve explained then walked off.
- Should I do part 2?

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