Finn° Addiction (2)

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Summary; You knew Finn due to the Camilla Music video you both did for addiction (check out that imagine!) . Now, you see each other again and re-unite for a different artist.

Finn POV

My agent had called me up and talked about me starring in Chase Atlantic's new song "Friends". I agreed to it because I liked his songs.

"So, Chase Atlantic saw the "Addiction" Music video and loved it, he loved you and Y/N together." My agent spoke on the phone, I raised my brow.

"This means we're bringing Y/N back?" I asked, a slight pause between my agent and I.

"Yes. So, we'll be starting tomorrow." My agent explained, I was excited and couldn't wait to see her.


I got a call from Finn's agent and was told that I was needed for a music video tomorrow, which was great cause I get to see Finn again! After the music video of Addiction we tried to hang out but he was working and filming in Ireland for his movie the 'the turning'.

I laid in bed just excited that I get to miss out on school tomorrow so I could film. I was considering on getting an agent but I wasn't so sure yet, we'll just have to see how this next music video goes. I could feel myself getting sleepier, my eyes shutting down.

(Next day)

Today was exciting. "I'm so happy that another artists want you for their music videos!!" Dad explained happy, I agreed and just clapped out of excitement. As we made our way to the set I took out my ear phones and began listening to the song we were going to film for...

Wow, it was an intense song.

"We're here." Dad spoke, I snapped out of my thoughts and examined the area, the setting was just in an LA neighbourhood. I turned my head and examined the camera crew and the rest of the crew outside of the LA mansion. Stepping out of the car I then found my way to the styling camper/caravan.

"Y/N!" A familiar voice coo'ed from behind me, I turned around before entering the caravan, I examined and saw that it was Ryan.

"Ryan! Wow your also directing this as well?!" I asked, he nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, Chase Atlantic called me in and then I contacted Finn's agent. Anyway, I have to sort out some cameras inside the mansion. Go get ready, I'll explain everything soon." Ryan spoke. I nodded in agreement and entered the caravan.

Finn POV

I made it to the set and saw Ryan with the crew sitting out the cameras.

"Finn! Good seeing you man!" Y/N's Dad's spoke as he stood in front of me, I grinned and shook
Mr. Y/L/N's hand.

"Good seeing you too! Is Y/N in the styling caravan?" I asked curious, he nodded his head and so I made my way over to the caravan. My dad and Y/n's dad decided to go explore the mansion.

I walked into the styling van expecting to see Y/N but she wasn't there,

"Finn, Have a seat. We need your hair re-curled." The stylist Ann spoke, I nodded in agreement and sat down.

"Have you seen Y/N?" I asked Ann, she smiled.

"Yeah, she jus finished hair and makeup so she's meeting the other onset actors." Ann replied, I raised my brow... other onset actors...

"Has Ryan explained the plot of the music video yet?" Ann asked, I shrugged my shoulders and nodded a no. Suddenly the door to the caravan opened up and I saw her through the reflection of the mirror.

"FINN!" She yelled, I grinned hard and turned in my chair, I stood up and ran to hug her.

"I missed you!" She yelled, I agreed and was glad to see her again after working. I examined her outfit and was surprised at what she was wearing,

"Not my style." She whispered and smiled, I chuckled and rubbed my neck nervously, she looked good in her outfit, she looked good in anything. I was finally done with my outfit and we both walked out of the caravan. We decided to start making our way to see Ryan.

"I just met the other onset actors, Sarah and Justin! Their already dressed!" Y/N mentioned, I raised my brows and examined as Ryan walked over with Sarah and Justin, I assume.

"Sarah and Justin, this is Finn. Finn meet Sarah and Justin." Ryan spoke, I waved at them. Ryan walked us over to the mansion and into the house,

"So, the house is being set up for a typical teenage party. The storyline is that Finn, your character is dating Sarah and Y/N your character is dating Justin. Sarah and Finn, you both attend Y/N's house party, during the whole night Finn is fixated on Y/N and tries looking for her the whole night. Plot is that, Finn and Y/N use to date but now they 'supposedly' moved on. They'll be flash back shots of when Finn use to date Y/N. They'll be a little moment on the dance floor when Finn and Y/N eye each other out, then Justin and Sarah cut in. Finally, realising what you had was the better then what you have now." Ryan explained, I raised my brow at the fact that I had to watch Y/N with another guy.

Calm yourself down finn.

We had to wait til night to start shooting the party scenes.

"Are we ready to roll?" Camera man Alex yelled, the crew prepared themselves, I inhaled and then exhaled. We started rolling and my character started walking through the house party, I looked around and the cameras followed my every move, I finally examined Y/N, she was with Justin. I felt my anger inside of me and clenched my jaw.

This wasn't acting anymore, this was real. I was jealous.

-part2 ? 😂👌 this song though!!

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