Finn° After heartbreak |3|

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Summary: Read Previous parts 👀


Sniffles escaping my nose as I sat on the toilet. My 3 minutes had just started, these 3 minutes of waiting would feel like forever.

My dad wasn't home, he wasn't even in the same state. My dads an author and he travels a lot, and my mom, she passed away 2 years ago...
Life's been hard as a teenager lately.
I don't have a mom to help me with these things, I'm usually alone, well, I use to have Finn with me. But I guess, now I'm completely alone.

My mind kept thinking about the problems if I end up being pregnant.

1. Would Finn help?
2. Does he actually want to abort our child?
3. Should I give the baby up for adoption?
4. Should I keep the bubba?

*ringtone (Wasting Time by Calpurnia)*

I remembered that was my ringtone. I needed to change that.

A shaky breath escaped my lips as I grabbed the Pregnancy test on the counter of my bathroom sink. I gulped and closed my eyes, I held the test in front of me and then opened my eyes

Clear Blue test
+ positive (5 weeks)

Tears streaming my eyes. A wave of happiness had hit me. I was pregnant.

As my eyes closed shut I thought about the disappointment on Finn's face. He doesn't want my child and He doesn't want me.

The + positive was clear and I smiled to myself. Standing up from the toilet I made my way out of the bathroom and into the living room, on the table were some of my vitamin c's. I needed to take them.

Quickly I pulled out my phone and needed to call my dad.

Tonight, I was going to tell my friends... And I needed to tell Finn.

I booked an appointment for the baby and sat down onto the couch.

As I leaned back I placed my hand over my stomach and instantly smiled, rubbing gently I then sat up and looked down. Knowing I had a mini me inside of me made me emotional.

"I know you can't hear me, but, I just want to say that... that I'm sorry for bringing you into this world without a possible father figure, just know, that mommy will love you forever. I'll do my best. I promise." I whispered and looked down. Tears dripping onto my shirt.

Finn POV

Finally arrived home. Nick, Quincy and I decided we wanted to watch some Rugrats.

"Dude, me and Nick went to whole foods and the Gouda cheese was hella expensive." Quincy explained. I chuckled and brushed my fingers through my hair.

"Just get like, different cheese. Nick, Gouda isn't even that good-a." I said trying to make a joke back. They both nodded their heads and Quincy chucked a pillow my way.

"How was work- Eh, Y/N had a break down." I replied cutting Nick off.

Nick raised his brows at me. "Why? Is she okay?" He asked concerned. My lips smacked together.

"She had a tantrum basically, she didn't want to kiss me which was immature because this is our job." I replied and fiddled with the end of my shirt. Quincy coughed.

"Deadass, That makes perfect sense. You broke up 2 weeks ago, if she has a tantrum then don't place on that attitude and call her immature, it's human of her." Quincy replied and sniffled.

My eyes rolled and shook my head. "Yeah okay." I replied.

"Seems to me, like you're the immature one finn. Don't put your job over feelings. Those are two different and seperate things. You have to acknowledge that, when she kisses you, she thinks about you, not the character she has to kiss for her 'job'." Nick explained.

Suddenly my phone vibrated. It was a text from Y/N.

To: Finn
From : Y/N

I know you don't want to talk, but we have too. Come to mine around 6. It's urgent.

I placed my phone down and clenched my jaw. And then another text popped up.

To: Finn
From : Francesca

I'm free later on. Come over and get some Pu$$y 😍🙏😩

(Sorry, Pu$$y was a bad joke lmao. Y'all know what I'm referring to😂 - Writer)

A smirk placed onto my face.

-Y/N's Pregnant 💜

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