Finn° confess 🖐🏼 |2|

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Summary: Read Previous Parts

Finn POV

"Fucking asshole, I'mma beat the shit out of you- Finn get off of Noah!" Y/N spoke as she pulled me off of Noah. I threw my punches and Noah pushed me back.

"You're one of my best friends... Why are you messing around with Y/N?" I asked furiously, Noah clenched his jaw and I turned to face Y/N.

"And you've become a whore. How dare you play me like this." I spat as I pointed at her, she had tears... Probably fake tears

"Don't speak to her like that. Come on, fight me."Noah mentioned then pushed me, I stepped forward.

I felt as Gaten pulled me back.

"Don't, Finn." Gaten spoke, I scoffed and examined as Y/N ran into Noah's arms. Noah wasn't suppose to be her comforter, I was, I'm her damn boyfriend.

I untangled myself from Gaten and Y/N kept eye contact with me.

"Finn, Me and Noah have- Shut up, you've ruined everything. I don't want to hear your fucking confession." I spoke cutting Y/N off. Noah clenched his jaw as he stepped forward,

"Noah, don't." Y/N mumbled and held onto him, I smiled lightly as Noah stepped up to me.

"Whore, come get your man." I mumbled, Noah then punched me and I stumbled backwards, quietly laughing and held my hand up to my cheek.

"Call her that again, Go do it." Noah threatened.


I pulled Noah aside,

"Go to your trailer. Please, I don't want you getting hurt." I whispered as I stared deeply into his eyes. Noah agreed and walked off.

My head turned to see Gaten and Finn. Gaten gave me a look and I gestures for Gaten to talk to Noah, so he ran off.

Now it was just me and Finn. I walked towards him and he nodded a no,

"I'm sorry- Why? Why would you go after him? Was it because I cheated first? Are you trying to hurt me purposely?" Finn whispered interrupting me. I nodded a no and stepped closer but he jerked away.

"You hurt me Y/N . If you cheated then, you can't say you love me." Finn whispered. I sniffled and folded my arms.

"Then you don't love me. You cheated on me. I guess this is what's best then huh. We just end what we have, it's toxic." I replied, Finn sniffled and tears came down.

"It was toxic. But, I- Stop Finn. Let's just end it here, no memories or anything. We're over." I replied before walking off.

I felt as he grabbed me but I turned around and pushed him away.

"Finn, it's over. I'm with Noah now." I responded.

Finn stood there and didn't say anything, his brown eyes just staring at me, filled with regret and madness.

-sorry this was bad. Been having rough days.

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