Chapter 15- Desi's POV

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  Harry punched Niall once again this time instead of at the jaw like first time he punched him right in the left eye. Niall fell to the ground and I wanted to go catch him I wanted to be there for him, but I couldn't move I was in shock. "DON'T KISS MY GIRLFRIEND!" Harry screamed at Niall's limp body that was lying on the tilled kitchen floor, who said we were official. "HARRY, he's unconscious" I say once I snap back into reality and drop to Niall's side. "Why don't you kiss him again? Maybe then he will be better" I hear Harry mumble under his breath as he crosses his arms across his chest and turns around to look towards the door, "HARRY, AMBULANCE" I say ignoring his comment I couldn't let Niall be hurt he needs to be okay he needs a ambulance. "No" Harry simply states. I can't believe he was being so stubborn I've never seen him like this and I didn't like it. I couldn't think of anything to say so I expressed what I was thinking by getting up and slapping him across the face. "That boy laying on the ground, he's one of your best friends and you're going to forget what just happened and what I told you for 10 minutes and take out your phone to call 911" I say looking directly in his eyes but not in a romantic way but instead in a angry way to make sure he follows my instructions. Harry does what I say by taking out his phone and calling a ambulance as I go back to Niall's side just as his eyes begin to open. "Niall?" I say as his eyes final open completely. "Desi?" Niall questions quietly and slowly in a husky voice. "Oh, thank God you're okay" I say hugging him but he was limp and didn't hug me back. "I'm not okay" I hear Niall say and I scan up and down his body looking for something wrong. "What, what's wrong?" I ask him not able to find anything wrong. "Kiss me" he says and I forget about Harry I only think of me and Niall lying in my arms. "Okay" I giggle before leaning in and kissing him only to be tugged back after about a second by Harry's large hand that was placed on my shoulder. "Get a room" he growled before I turned to him and he adds. "there's a ambulance on its way" Harry still looked mad and I'm sure seeing me and Niall kiss didn't help anything. 

  "Okay so he is perfectly fine just put some ice on those bruises and make sure he stays awake for the next 24 hours just in case he has a concussion" the doctor says and I nod my head making sure I hear every word. "I'm sure you wont have a problem keeping him awake" Harry mumbles under his breath I'm sure I wasn't supposed to hear it but i did and I took offence. "Harry, stop hes your friend and I'm your......" I trail off not finding the right words. "Exactly you don't want to admit anything because Niall" Harry says pointing over to the bed in the room that Niall was laying on. "I can hear you guys" Niall says as he opens his eyes and sits up. "Guys could you just give me some time to make up my mind please" I say putting my hands around the two of them making sue they weren't going to attack again. "We are going on tour in two months.." Niall tells me but trails off to take a drink of his water. "You have till then to date and decide" Harry says with a extremely serious face and so I glance at Niall who nods his head in agreement. Great this will be 'so easy'.

*(looks like the decision will be coming soon.*

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