Nialls POV

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  "hey" Desi says this time when she walks down the stairs she is fully closed which was a huge relief. "hey" me and all the boys reply. "so what are you guys doing today" she asks me Liam and Louis, she probably thought she had harry to herself. "harry actually was gong to take us out to lunch would you like to join us" Liam says sounding as though he was in a business meeting. "um, yeah when are we going" Desi asks as she leaned her elbows on the breakfast bar. "15 minutes" Louis speculates. "what i haven't even eaten breakfast yet" Desi exclaims. "its 12:30" Zayn informs her. "but i only woke up a half an hour ago" she tells us and Louis chuckles. "well maybe you and harry where just tired from all the 'exercise' you guys did last night" Louis adds putting air quotations around the word exercise and you could just see Desi start to literally try to sink under the table as her checks went bright red. "these walls aren't sound proof" i tell her as i pat her on the back on my way to the couch. "oh harry" Louis screams in a girlish voice causing me and the boys to laugh but Desi was clearly getting mad and embarrassed, never a good mix. "harder harry" Zany now yells in the same girly scream. "what are you guys talking about  could have sworn i heard my name" harry says as he sits next to Desi who now looked like a tomato and kissed her on the check. "we were just discussing last night with Desi here" Louis says as he gestures to Desi. "what abou-" harry begins but cuts himself off realizing what was happening. "ohh" he says and you could probably hear him gulp from a mile away. "yeah well we better get of to lunch then" Liam chirps in, he never liked when we messed with each other like this. "OK harry you will just have to tell us all about it later" Louis says and i thought Desi was going to start crying. "please don't" i heard Desi whisper to harry as she grabbed his shirt. he just gave her a reassuring look and rubbed her back. he was definitely going to tell us about it.

  "this is like the nicest restaurant in town, to tell you the truth i was more expecting subway" Desi announces as we walk in Launcheston place. "only the best for the prettiest girl in the world" harry tells Desi as he wraps his arm around her wast pulling her further away from me and closer to himself. "i think its a bit over rated" i say because honestly, i would eat anything. "Niall's right i would be much mire comfortable at a fast food joint" Desi says and  nod my head looking probably to proud. "yeah i feel like they are going to kick me out" Louis says and he probably would get kicked out. "lets just go" Zayn adds. "OK yeah, subway?" Harry's asks all of us. "yes I'm staring please" i complain and they all laugh. "when are you not starving" Liam asks me as we walk out of the restaurant. "when I'm not OK"  whine and Desi laughs.

  "i will have a foot long with bacon and a foot long meatball please" i say as i order last, like always because  order the most food so it take the longest to make. "so harry back to last night" Louis was saying right as i sat down and i swear  thought Desi was going to chock on the bite of sandwich that was in her mouth. "you OK" i ask her as i was sitting next to her. "um, yeah, I'm just gonna go to the bathroom" she tells me as she gets up and slides her thin body behind my chair.

  "its been a half an hour" Zayn whines as we all stand next to the women's restroom. "yeah" Louis agrees. "Harry's shes your girlfriend" Liam says but he was busy texting someone. "they need me in the studio" harry says looking up apologetically. "you guys go, i will make sure shes OK" i says knowing all the other boys didn't know Desi well enough. "you sure" harry asks, he probably thought i was going to try and make-out with her or something. "yeah well be fine" i tell them and within a minute they were gone. "Desi"  yell through the door but there was no answer. i waiter another fifteen minutes before going to the manager. "excuse me" i tell the lady who seemed to be the manager and then waited for her to acknowledge me. "yes sir" she replies and i see her tag said manager. "um so my friends been in your women's bathroom for the past 45 minutes and i was wondering if i could go in and check if shes alright cause shes not answering when i call her name through the door and I'm getting very worried" i say as polity as i can. "yes here" she says handing me one key out of the 20 she must have been holding. "thank you" i say before dashing of to the restroom. "Desi?" i ask as i see a crying figure curled up in the corner. she looked up at me her face streaked black with makeup and tears, her eyes puffy and red from the crying, her hair draped over her face as though she had been pulling at it. i shake my head before rushing to her side and trying to comfort her by draping my arm around her shoulders and pulling her in close to my chest, giving her the occasional quiet shh trying to stop her crying. "what happened" i ask trying to figure out why she was crying so profusely. "Zia" she stuttered. i don't speak but let her continue when she finds the strength to. "shee, shes dead" she manages to say between the crying. "I'm, I'm so sorry" i tell her as she looks up into my eyes with her own. "i cant go back there" she manages to say once her crying had stopped but the tears kept rolling down her face. "i cant go back to the apartment that we shared, i cant go there anymore" she says clearing the confusion that must have shown in my eyes. "you don't have to" i tell her has i use my thumb to wipe away another tear. "i have no wear else to go" she explains to me, i have never heard her so torn up. "your staying with us, me, your boyfriend, and the rest of the boys" i tell her but only worry instead of relief cross her face. "i, i, no" she stutters once again. "yes we all love you and want you there me and harry will get your stuff and you can stay in his room or the spare room"  tell her i wouldn't give her a choice she was staying with us. "i love you Niall" she tells me as i finally get around to pushing the hair out of her face. "i know" i smile and she laughs, i missed being the reason for that beautiful laugh. "i love you too" i tell her before kissing her forehead. i knew my love was more then hers I'm sure it always will be, but it felt good to know she has some kind of love for me. it gave me hope, she gave me hope

*(oh lord supper long and eventful chapter i hope you enjoyed so i think this is it for today but i might post a short one later. k. mu-ah. bye.

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