Chapter 21- Desi's POV

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  "I have to talk to him" I explain to Harry with a pleading look on my face, I wanted to make sure he would be okay with me going to talk to him. "Yeah, go" he says before he grabs my hand a kisses me on the check then lets go allowing me to run up the short flight of stairs. "Niall" I ask around in the hall way not knowing which room was his. "He lives in there if your gonna find him anywhere bedsides the bathroom or the kitchen it would be there" Liam tells me as he walks out of a room that I guessed to be his own. "Thank you" I whisper before barging into Niall's room forgetting to knock. "We need to talk" I say as soon as I see him sitting on his laptop. As he doesn't reply which was somewhat expected I examine his room. It was clean to my surprise and extremely organized all he had was a bed, a desk, a chair, and a small sofa. Why would he have so few items in his room? "Look Niall we promised to stay friends" I say as I finish scanning over his room and remembering why I came in her in the first place. "How do you stay friends with someone who you love tell me how would you do that?" he asked me and I'm shocked by the anger and did he just say he loved me? No I already chose Harry and I made the right choice. I hope. "You love me?" I couldn't help but shyly ask as the thought of Niall and me being in love crossed my mind. "Desi" he says my name as though I shouldn't have asked. "You love me?" I ask once again pointing at him as I say you and then myself. "Look I don't want to ruin anything else go say bye to your boyfriend I need to pack" Niall growls at me as he gets up and starts flinging things around the room, I guess this would be considered packing. "I love you too" I mumble obviously not loud enough for him to hear me because he didn't react. Then I turn out of the room and head down stairs.

  "Is everything okay now?" Harry asks me as I sit next to him on the couch and cuddle into his chest as his arm quickly wraps itself around me. "Almost" I say as I look up to his handsome face. The face that never failed to make me smile. "What? Are things not okay with Niall? Babe I'm so sorry is there-" He starts babbling again it's cute but not what I needed right know so I cut him off. "No, me and Niall are fine" I lie "but earlier what was that argument about?" I ask referring to him 'killing someone'. "What are you talking about?" he asks playing dumb but I know he knows what I meant. "Niall said you killed someone" I say shyly. "Oh my god I sound crazy I'm asking you if you killed someone I'm sor-" this time I'm the one who's babbling one and he cuts my off. "Three years ago" he starts and I'm immediately shocked wondering what he was going to say but I let him continue anyways "I was drunk and I decided I would drive my girlfriend at the time home but I ended up on the wrong side of the road driving right into the headlights of a SUV and since we, um, I was just driving a little convertible they drove right over us, um me and Kathy" Harry explains to me before reaching to his eyes to rub the tears from them. "I didn't know I'm, I'm so-" I try to say sorry but he cuts me off once again. "she died instantly as the impact broke her spine and pretty much everything else, I got away with a simple scar down my back form a piece of glass out of the window, I got lucky that the SUV tried to avoid the car but only swerved right into the love of my life" I couldn't believe what I was hearing he's been through so much yet stays so open, I almost wanted to be jealous of 'the love of his life' but I couldn't it wouldn't be right, I'm not that kind of person. "I'm so sorry" I mumble into his shoulder where I had my head with his head leaning on top of mine. "It wasn't your fault it was mine" he tells me and I could hear the croak in his voice as he cried and talked. "I'm sorry for bringing it up and its not your fault I'm sure she wants you to know that" I tell him as I sit up to look in his to make sure he knows I mean what I say. "You're a lot like her you know" he tells me with a small smile flashing over his face "You both were always trying to have fun, your hair is exactly the same" he tells me as he plays with the hair that had fallen out of my bun "You both make me happy" he says and I shyly giggle and blush as he complements me. "Thank you" I mumble not knowing what else to say. "But your different in one Major way" he tells me and instead of asking what it was I just sat in silence allowing him to continue "you wont leave me ever for any reason" he tells me before tilting my chin and kissing me passionately on the kiss. "I will miss this, I will miss you" I tell him when we pull away but keep our heads close. "Me too" he tells me before we kiss one last time.

  Only two hours later I was at the airport saying good bye to the two most amazing boys ever. "Niall promise me you wont' be mad when you get back and that you won't eat the other boys food" I say to Niall at first serious and the joking. "I will miss you Desi" he tells me and encloses my body in a comforting hug. "Good answer" I joke unable to remove the smile from my face "I'll miss you too my little leprechaun" I tell him as I run my hands playfully through his hair and as I walk away I laughed because I know he is fixing his hair. "Now you, you have to promise to call me and text and Skype and I'm going to miss you so much" I tell Harry as he pulls me closer by the waist were he had placed his hand. "You're going to have to promise not to find any blond Irish boys" he whispers into my ear and I pull out of grip giving myself enough room to slap him. "Not funny" I tell him but I couldn't stop myself from laughing not at his joke but at his adorable grin as he grabbed his arm where I had lightly slapped him. "I'm going to miss you so much" he tells me now more serious as he pulls me close once again. "I will miss you too" I tell him as I get lost in his eyes. "Harry, Desi no more time for PDA we have a plane to catch" Liam yells and I snap my head so my eyes weren't staring into Harry's but instead directed to were the boys where. "You're just jealous because Danielle didn't come and say goodbye" Harry yells and that shut Liam up and the we look back at each other and he adds talking to me know "Where were we?" he asks me and I laugh at how he was trying to be seductive and he had moved his eyebrows. "Right here" I tell him before kissing him. As I started to feel his hands moving lower and lower I pulled back and his hands shot straight back to my waist. "HARRY" I say and he laughs. "Come on I'm about to leave for four months" he tells me and I become confused which distracted me from the matter at hand. "Four?" I ask him. "Yeah four but I think Niall and Zayn are coming back two months early because of family matters" he explains to me and it all made sense. "Oh okay that makes more sense" I say grinning. "So can I get another kiss" he asks raising his eyebrows again. "No we are in public and you have to catch a plane" I tell him, god this boy never gives up. "Bye Desi" he says still keeping his hands on my waist. "Bye curly" I joke and run my hands through his hair not wanting a sappy good bye. "Bye" he laughs kissing me one more time before letting go. "I will miss you Harry" i say as he walks away and in response he turns around and blows me a kiss and I wave. Four months is too long.

*(super long chapter to make up for the one i didn't write yesterday. anyways warped tour was sick i hope some of you guys went. um i thought this chapter was really cute so yes. anyways comment if you have any feedback. i might post another chapter today but no promises. um thanks for the 240 reads tell your friends about it of you liked. k. bye. mu-ah.)*

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