Chapter 3- Desi's POV

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     As I wake up and open my eyes, I see the bright sun shining through my living room window and immediately feel the pounding in my head after this. I knew last night I had way to much to drink but, hey, it was my eighteenth birthday it's not illegal for me to drink anymore so why not go wild. If only I could remember what I did. I slowly try to sit up on my tiny black couch I must have fallen asleep on. I quickly scan the room only to see the trash and almost anything else you could imagine covering every inch of my floor. When I run my hand through my light brown hair with its blond highlights going every which way i realize I'm still wearing Harry's jacket. Crap. I guess I would have to eventually return it to him but today my goal was just to get some sleep and try to remember what happened last night after I came back inside. Before doing anything, though, I had to get comfy. So I went to my room and put on some sweatpants and a tank top but left Harry's jacket on. When I got back to the couch I just let myself drift of to sleep but then my phone rings and could not be more annoying.

  "Hello" i whisper sluggishly after about the second ring. "Desirae? It's Niall from One Direction" I hear a boy with a Irish accent almost yell through the phone which did not help my good awful headache. " Hi Niall. Is here something you need?" I ask yawning afterwards also I was almost whispering so he would get the hint that I really needed a quiet conversation. "I just wanted to say that was a smashing party last night. Thank you very much for inviting me and the boys." he replies not bothering to lower his voice to tell you the truth I think he was actually getting louder. "Thanks. So  what exactly happened last night?" I ask then immediately realize I was asking the wrong person and should have just waited for Zia to come over. "Hahahahahahaha" he laughs and I swear he was trying to kill me but just wait he continues "someone got a little hammered last night". "Yeah" I say as I get up to grab a Advil for the pain from my headache, which now felt like I was being stabbed. "Hey how about I bring some ginger ale and we could just have a quiet day in" Niall says as I swallow my Advil and wonder how I could possibly be quiet day if he would be here. "Thank you but-" I say and his loud voice cuts off my quiet whisper. "I'm coming over" he says then quickly hangs up before I got the chance to argue with him. God, I really needed a chance to tell him no. In only five minutes if not less he at my door all dressed at 8 in the morning with a pack of ginger ale, movies, and crisps "How in thee world did you get all of that in five minutes?" I ask knowing that the closest store that sells that stuff is 6 minutes away. "I always have this stuff in my car, you know just in case something happens" he explains as I move so he can walk in and then laugh at how cute this was. "Only you Niall, only you" I say as he steps in my flat and starts laughing along with me. "Um, so, I hope you don't take this the wrong way but this place looks like a dump" Niall says as he examines the tiny room and follows me as I make my way over to the couch stepping over cans and other trash. We take seats on the opposite side of the couch and then stay that way, that far apart for the entire movie. This sounds crazy but i couldn't help but wonder why he wasn't making a move on my its not that I liked him in that way. He was just being so nice and then came all the way over here to sit on the opposite side of the couch.

  "I promise you this is going to sound a bit awkward but are you going to hit on me or not?" I ask and it sounded weirder then I expected, but all Niall does is laugh his adorable laugh which didn't bother me anymore because that Advil really worked and I was feeling much better. "Desi you seem very nice, but I'm not into you like that and anyways it wouldn't matter if I was 'cause Harry already called dibs" Niall explains and I understand but one word he says triggers a million things to go of in my head. "Harry?" I ask as I feel the warmth of his jacket on my arms and I felt normal in it it felt as though it was made for me to wear. "Yeah he called dibs said something about how he lights up when he sees you" Niall confirms and continues to give me more information. "Oh" I say now feeling my face turn red just thinking of 4 hot British and 1 adorable Irish boy discussing who got to flirt with me. "So hows your hangover?" Niall asks easily changing the subject as I take a sip of my second can of ginger ale. "A lot better thanks for helping me out" I say as I scooch closer to him knowing I won't lead him on becuase he basically told me I wasn't his type. "No problem I'm sure you would have done the same thing for me" Niall says and I feel bad because I know I wouldn't have. Some how, while we were watching the second movie he brought, I ended up falling asleep on his shoulder and I was happy there.

  "You're gonna wake her up." I hear Niall say as I begin to wake up, but I kept my eyes closed thinking he was just talking to Zia who liked slamming my front door. "This is definitely going on youtube" I hear a boy say it was either Zayn or Liam and I thought his was a bit odd but tried to go back to sleep anyways. "I only need one picture" I hear a boy say and I could tell by the voice it was defiantly Louis. At this point I slowly open my eyes to see what they all needed pictures of. As I regain my vision I see only tan. Then a zipper and above that a button! "Ahhh!" I scream as I jerk my head up realizing my head had some how made its way down to Niall's CROTCH. But as my head leaves his crotch it just hit something else. "Ouchhh!" I hear Niall exclaim then I turn to see him rubbing his chin. "Man I got that all on video"  Zayn says to Louis and they proudly high five each other .As Louis shows Liam and Zayn he apparently "amazing" photos he got I notice Harry awkwardly standing in the corner so I get up to walk over to him and see if hes okay but also to get away from the immature boys who I did not want to watch freak out over a couple of photos.

  "Hey" I say as I walk up to him and put my hands in the pockets of his jacket that I was still wearing. "Hi" he says not bothering to look at me but instead continue to watch the boys giggle while watching Zayn's video which I pray to god he doesn't put on youtube. "How did you four get in anyways" I say realizing that they weren't here before I feel asleep while I also watched the boys. "Niall text us saying you had fallen asleep so he was um-- bored so-- erm-- your door was unlocked so we decided to stop by" Harry says now focusing on me as he talks. "Oh well you guys should have woken me up earlier so i wasn't laying on Niall's umm" I say trailing of not wanting to say it and make things more awkward the they already were. "Sorry" he says but laughs too "The boys have been making such a big deal out of it I mean they probably wouldn't even notice if we left". "Wanna test out that theory of yours?" I ask raising a eyebrow trying to find a way to get out of a house full of boys. "Do you think it will work?" Harry asks and I nod my head actually thinking they wouldn't notice if we left. "Let me just go change I'll be right back" and with that I skip of to my room while Harry giggles, he obviously wasn't the kid who skipped classes when he was in school. I come out a minute later and the boys where still laughing some and Harry and I just left. No one noticed a thing. Shhhhhh.

*(hahahah did you guys like this chapter. Okay, so, I might put up more then one chapter a day so how about we just say I promise a minimum of one chapter a day, Okay so this chapter is kinda long but its really good so read the whole thing and um the photo link is what Desi changes into also the story's just gonna get better i already know what i want to happen but if you have any ideas on what YOU want to happen please don't be afraid to COMMENT)*

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