D-Day Part 2

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June 5th 1944, Somewhere over Normandy, 2220 hours

For the entire plane ride to Normandy it was quiet. The only thing you could hear was murmuring coming from selected soldiers who were praying or pondering what would happen during the mission and what scenarios would come into play.

Donnie was pretty much sitting in the middle of the plane and rested his elbows on his knees as he began to pray quietly holding his hands together as he murmured, "Heavenly father, I trust in thee. I pray to thee to watch over myself and my comrades as we embark on our journey to free the world from oppression. I also pray for my brother in the Pacific and my family in Chicago let them not feel the pain of losing a son, brother, grandson and fiancé as well. Amen"

Donnie finished his prayer and made the sign of the cross and soon enough the red light came on and the Sgt on the plane stood up just as the plane started to shake uncontrollably he soon heard the Sgt shout, "Stand Up!" every man stood up Donnie ready steeling himself as he then heard the next instruction, "Hook Up" Everybody then followed the order Donnie able to hook himself up and then started checking his equipment was on properly and began checking the man next to him, Richard Wright from Easy Company.

Soon enough he then heard the Sgt then shout, "Sound off for equipment check!" the numbers began counting down and when it came to 3 Donnie then shouted as loud as he could, "THREE OKAY!!" the numbers wound down to the Sgt who then stood in the door and as soon as the green light come on the Sgt then says, "Green light everybody out go go!!" the three soldiers in front of Donnie then jumped out and soon it was Donnie's turn and soon walked at a fast pace then jumped out into the air and pulled the cord on his parachute and began the slow descent.

Oh, Jesus Christ

In his mind he thought he was insane but he had signed up for this and spent two years preparing to give the Germans something to fear once he came face to face with them. He then got on the ground landing in the field and soon got out of his parachute taking his reserve chute and putting it in his pack. Once done he then got his leg bag taking out his M1 Carbine and attaching all his equipment to his uniform and getting his pack on back. He then looked for the signalling beacon equipment and didn't see it was there as he angrily cursed, "Fuck, we are in the shit now".

He then reached into his magazine pouch and pulled out a clip slamming it into the weapon just as he then heard a grenade explosion go off a mile near his location as he raced to the location as fast as he could he then halted when he heard voices German soldiers and were shooting at something on the ground he soon heard them say, "Amerikanisches schwein"

as they laughed before pumping 2 bullets into him this had filled Donnie with enough anger as he then walked towards them taking out his sidearm cocking the weapon before shooting the two of them in the head 2 times for each soldier.

Donnie's war had officially begun.

He then checks on his fallen buddy and sees Wright two bullets in his head and his guts showing he then makes the sign of the cross and picks up a dog tag and an envelope to write to Wright's family he then goes for the leg bag and scrounges whatever equipment he can find mostly grenades his Thompson and ammo. Soon he hears noises he looks up and sees multiple planes the sounds of AA Gunfire fill the air as planes are taken out. The D-Day Invasion has begun zero hour.

He hears voices and instantly retreats heading into the woods and spies an AA emplacement near him as he then looks at the layout muttering, "6 Krauts in the AA area one on guard duty back to the woods, need to keep the noise down until I reach the AA"

Donnie heads towards the first German and holsters his weapon pulling out his knife as he then puts his hand around the soldier's mouth and stabs him in the back of the head killing him as he wipes the blood on the dead German before moving forward prepping a Grenade he takes cover and readies the grenade taking the pin of it and then rolling it towards the AA gun which it hits and soon an explosion is hear as he hears the screams of the German soldiers he then shoots the wounded soldiers showing no remorse in doing so.

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