The 1st Breaking Point

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Here's the hard Chapter. Strap yourselves in for a ride that will threaten to tear Donnie apart

Chapter 13:

2nd January 1945, Outskirts of Foy

After Bastogne, Easy Company had been ordered to the outskirts of Foy. They were to prepare for an assault on Foy itself.

Donnie, Lipton, Buck, Guarnere and Malarkey were going over a map as they mapped out their position as they were deducing where they had to go as Lipton finally figured it out, "We were here this morning. And then we came this way" Compton nodded as he pointed to the map, "All right, so here's gotta be the logging road coming through here, so which means we gotta get right there" Compton pointed at the map to which they had placed it on Malarkey's head earlier as Compton laughed at Malarkey when he complained, "Hey take it easy" "Stop crying Malark or I'll nail it to your head".

Donnie laughed in amusement as he then heard Compton say to Guarnere, "Guarnere let's move 'em out" "Yes Sir. 2nd Platoon let's go" Everyone in Easy Company felt relieved to be out of their foxholes even if it was to move around. During their thousand-yard march through the woods they had only encountered light German resistance but the casualties were light amongst the men.

The Company had settled into their new position and began digging their foxholes, Donnie shared one with Lipton but would always go around checking on everyone when Lipton wasn't around.

Hoobler had been dying to get a Luger ever since England before D-Day but had very little luck finding one. Today was his lucky day as him Christenson and 2 others had gone on patrol and found a German officer on patrol whilst riding a horse as he killed them with 2 shots, Donnie had heard the tale many times and he started to get irritated about how Hoobler was feeling so happy with himself. He didn't see the point in obsessing with a gun, but Donnie didn't want to damp down Hoobler's joy as he just smirked every time he heard the tale.

Donnie had just began digging his foxhole as he muttered to himself about what Hoobler was doing, "Stupid, goddamn stupid gun, stupid pride" Muck had found himself walking towards Donnie hearing Donnie's angry muttering as he said, "Well hello, Don having a little trouble?" Donnie looked up and smiled as he said, "No I'm good" "You sure, you looked a little angry while you muttered to yourself" "Yeah, well put that down to Hoobler going around saying stuff about his shiny new Luger" "You ever going to bring something home" "Only thing I'll bring home are 2 types of Chocolate; Dutch and German chocolate" "Sounds fun, you seen Dike around?" "Why would I?"

The quiet was soon interrupted when they heard a popping sound both men looked at each other they knew it was a single gunshot as they dived into the foxhole checking all angles as both men wondered the same thing. Did the Germans break through the line or infiltrate it?

Soon the two men then heard shouting as they wondered what it was soon it came clear as they soon heard, "Donnie!!!" Donnie wondered why his name was being called out as he looked at Muck who said, "Better go Don" Donnie hesitated until the shouts became louder as it said, "DONNIE!!!" as he raced off into the snow towards the screams as he happened upon the scene and saw a crowd of men swarming a wounded man as he saw Lipton and said, "Who is it?" "It's Hoobler he shot himself".

Donnie felt stunned and raced into the swarm trying to aid his wounded friend as he saw Hoobler in extreme pain as he said, "Jesus Hoobler, you keep a loaded weapon in your pants?" "Sorry Sarge, I didn't mean it I didn't touch it either" "Hey! Hey! I believe you Hoob, you gotta stay with me, which Leg?" "Left leg" Donnie had gotten out his aid kit and rushed to save Hoobler but with the amount of clothes he had on Donnie couldn't tell how bad it was as he said, "I can't tell how it is. We gotta get him to an aid station".

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