We'll Meet Again

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The final chapter. This has been a story to write in fact this whole BOB and Pacific Series has been amazing to write. Appearances will see Henry Reagan from the Pacific appear. And you are all invited to the wedding of Donald Murphy and Elizabeth Donovan where love is in the air. 

 Chapter 21:

Brooklyn Naval Shipyard, Morning of October 5th 1945

The boat was pulling into the shipyard. They had only to spend a couple weeks in Europe but had been ordered to pull out of Austria and sent back through Germany, France and England before that big boat home to the states.

Everybody in Easy Company had felt excited, nervous or had trouble sleeping. Donnie had the most trouble, after three years away from home 2 ½ years overseas in Europe he wasn't even sure how he had not slept either. He remembered how his father had trouble adjusting after the 1st war and it was not even pretty after being gone for 8 years but this was different for Donnie he had spent less time in Europe, but it still hurt he had not slept.

He had put his cap on and grabbed his bag heading out onto the deck as he saw the entire dock filled with civilians that had been cheering for the returning G.I.s. Donnie had appreciated the gesture and wondered how his own brother had felt when he returned home from the war.

When they had finally gotten off the boat everybody had swarmed them and were welcoming them with open arms. Most of the ladies were kissing the soldiers on the cheeks but the men had been given handshakes too. Donnie had stayed close to Charlotte as they made their way through the crowds, Donnie hated the attention already given to them but gone along with the celebrations.

New York City was where the company had broken up, Donnie was significantly hurt by it. He had been with the men through hell and back, these were his friends, his brothers, his family. Donnie had found it most unsettling to think about.

Webster and Luz had been the first 2 people to leave as they had lived on the east coast of the United States. Donnie and Charlotte had hugged them goodbye as he said to Webster, "I'm sorry for how badly I treated you during Haguenau, you are a great soldier." "You too 1st Sergeant Murphy, it was an honor to know you and Sergeant McCarthy." Charlotte nodded in response saying, "It was an honour."

Donnie had then said to Webster, "I'll see you soon big guy."

Luz then walked forward as Donnie said, "Come here, you joker, you may be a funny guy, but we'll miss you. Thanks for being there." "You kept us all together, Don, we'll see you soon anyway, little wedding very soon." Donnie raised an eyebrow but knew what Luz was talking about as Donnie said, "It was an honour."

As he said farewell to everyone he even exchanged contact information with all his friends as did Charlotte too.

Donnie and Charlotte had both made plans to visit Skip Muck's family in Tonawanda, New York as he had promised the family then they would head on their way to Chicago to reunite with their families. Even though Charlotte never knew Skip Muck, she knew Donnie would need some moral support to do the grievance call. They were going to say goodbye to Bull Randleman as Bull said to Donnie, "Take care of yourself, Sarge, thank you for keeping us together." "Thanks for saving my ass in Holland, I think Betty, my parents and my siblings all want to thank you when you come up for the wedding." Randleman laughed as he said, "I'll be there buddy and I'll be certain they'd buy me a drink for saving you." "I'm sure they will, I'll see you soon Bull, keep that ass of yours out of trouble" "You too and you as well Charlotte." Charlotte nodded as the two then hugged as Donnie then walked with Betty to their next destination: Grand Central Station.

They had gotten their train tickets and got on the train it had been silent the whole journey as they arrived in the late afternoon and got into a Taxi, Donnie's hand had clutched the Rosary that was Skip Muck's as he said a prayer to himself. He was already frightened about meeting his friend's family but buried that fear deep as they arrived at the destination.

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