A Nightmare

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The next few chapters that I have dreaded. Please have a box of tissues next to you at all times or in your case 10 boxes 

Chapter 17:

Middle of April 1945, outside Sturzelberg, Germany


It had been over 5 years since War had begun it had been 4 years since the United States had entered the War and the war had changed hands to the Allied Forces. Easy Company had marched into Germany. When Donnie arrived in Germany he was surprised at how the civilians had taken everything, they had moved on despite all the chaos that had been brought upon them. Every single one of his comrades may have insulted Germany, he couldn't really blame them. Germany did invade Poland and brought a level of shit down upon the world in the process.

Most of the jobs the 101st Airborne had been given was mostly of patrols and venturing around Germany. Men had taken to looting Germany especially Speirs, some had even taken to fraternizing with the German girls but Donnie was disgusted with how men would stoop to something so low, he believed in Honor, Duty and Country, looting and fraternizing had been against his code of honour.

The Germans weren't exactly friendly towards the Americans. But everyone he had encountered sure loved Hitler.

One farmer for example had Donnie disgusted, "Why should we be despising Hitler for what he had done? Take a look my friend" Donnie had looked around seeing all the land in front of him, he knew men had been paying the price for Hitler to give him all the land that was in front of Donnie but it horrified him that so many countries were paying the price for this farmer as Donnie had replied, "While that may be good, think about everyone else that has to suffer because your living like a king. But think about the poor souls that had given their sons, husbands, fathers, brothers so this war can go on. You ain't got a shred of decency in that heart of yours". Donnie walked away as Christenson watched him as the farmer said, "What's with him?" "He believes in Honor, Duty, Country and he has an honour code that he lives by" the Farmer nods solemnly.

Donnie didn't go on quite a lot of patrols, but always stuck around the town talking to the young children and the early teenagers too. But the adults had been hard to get through to mostly because their mothers told them not to go near soldiers. A lot of soldiers didn't want to blame the sins of the fathers onto the children. It didn't seem right or honourable.

Donnie mostly found himself walking around town most of the time. Seeing all the kids running around strangely knocked Donnie down. All those young kids didn't have the slightest idea of what the horrors of war were. They were kind, innocent and thoughtful towards everyone.

Whilst being in Germany with no current orders, this had paved the way for more replacements to be brought in. Donnie had been hard on the new guys. He wasn't interested in being pals with them either. It was always the new guys that ended up dead or wounded every time.

Donnie and the rest of Easy Company were sitting around listening to Nixon who was going through the war-time news Nixon had being busy with jumping with the 17th Airborne Division, Donnie had been offered to go along but with the 17th Airborne but Donnie politely declined.

Judging by Nixon's posture and the sadness on his face the drop didn't go to well for him. Rumours were that his entire stick didn't make it out alive and it was hard on Nixon.

I'm sure you'll be happy to know that Oklahoma! Is still playing on Broadway" Nixon had read and Luz, Christenson, Babe, Donnie and many others started singing, "Oklahoma, where the rain comes sweeping down the plain. Where the waving wheat can sure smell sweet, when the wind comes-" Luz then cut everyone off as Patrick O'Keefe, a replacement finished it off, "-right behind the rain!!" everyone laughed out loud and laughed harder when Christenson asked, "O'Keefe, you sitting on your bayonet? Why don't you leave the singing to Luz?" Donnie laughed saying, "Na, if he was sitting on his bayonet, he would have had it lodged into his ass" everyone laughed as Nixon then groaned as informed everyone, "Aww, Rita Hayworth is getting married?" "Oh, Rita say it isn't true" George sadly said as Donnie said, "Ah, don't worry Luz sure you'll find another dame to stand that humour of yours" everyone laughed loudly as Nixon continued going through the clipboard until he saw something eye-catching, "War-time news" everybody quietened down, "Resistance in the Ruhr pocket crumbles, looks like a break out might be on in Remagen. Apparently, Krauts forgot to blow up one of their bridges when they headed back. Guess the boys in the 17th Airborne did okay after all."

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